Saturday, December 5, 2009

Power in the Word of God

This week passed by with its usual pace.I didn't find it either slow or fast this time.Some days brought me down.Some days brought me bliss.I kept hanging on and striving through.Everyday had another battle of its own.Of course I have not stopped reading the Bible.I knew it would bring me encouragement through any circumstance.It always did.I keep my mini Bible in my backpack and I take it out when I have the chance to read it.I don't read it in a usual expected place for a person to read a Bible.I read it in school.High school...yup the public place filled with school staff and people who might possibly ridicule you.And as this world is turning darker and colder in this generation you'd expect that one day, people might even consider it illegal to say God's holy name in public places.This week a lot of people started noticing what I was doing.They had all sorts of reactions.Some people quietly smiled.Some people had shocked faces.Some people gave weird looks.Some people were amazed.Some people laughed openly.Some people mistaken it for a dictionary.(LOL!)All sorts of questions popped up."Are you religious?Do you go to church?Do you really believe in this?You actually carry a Bible around?Why are you reading it?Do you consider yourself saved?" When people asked all these questions I happily answered them.I felt blessed explaining that my relationship with God was no religion.I was happy to tell them that I read the Bible simply because I want to and wasn't typically forced to.I feel so grateful to God that I can stand boldly for Him this way.I know that God is true and that He is real.He is the Most High God and the Creator of this universe.So He deserves all the acknowledgement and praise.And for this reason,I am not one bit ashamed of my God.I'm not even afraid of the consequences in speaking about God in a public place like school.In Matthew 10:33,Yeshua(Jesus Christ) said,"But whoever is ashamed of me before men,I will be ashamed of him before my Father in heaven."I truly know how it feels now to be blessed by God when you are ridiculed because of Him.Not everyone mocked me because of this, but a few people did laughed or make weird facial expressions.In Matthew 5:11 Yeshua(Jesus Christ) said "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me." However,I am not stung by their thoughts and opinions.I'm even happy that they all acknowledge that I'm not just reading some typical book.I'm glad that they acknowledge that I'm reading the Holy Bible.And the funny part is,the few people gave a little chuckle about this,didn't really have much else to say.They even asked curious questions afterwards.This totally proves the power in the Word of God!!In Hebrews 4:12 it says,"The Word of God is living and active.It is sharper than any two-edged sword.It cuts deep enough to separate soul from spirit.It can separate joints from bones.It judges the thoughts and purposes of the heart." In John 1:1 it says,"In the beginning,the Word was already there.The Word was with God,and the Word was God." It brings me great joy because people actually end up curious.Yeshua (Jesus Christ) wasn't kidding when He said,"In the same way,let your light shine in front of others.Then they will see the good things you do.And they will praise your Father who is in heaven." Now,I know I'm jumping too far ahead for the future,but I'm pretty sure that one day,their curiosity and thirst will lead them to read the Bible and get to know who Yahweh(God) really is.I hope it does happen.But I leave that in the hands of God.It's true that there is power in the Word of God.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Glimpse of Yesterday

It amazes me how fast time can fly.It seems like yesterday I had just turned thirteen.I was miserable, knowing that I was going to move away from Great Neck on my very birthday and reluctantly say goodbye to my friends.I was this immature, ignorant, and somewhat selfish girl moving into College Point.It was like a whole "new" world which I had come from several months ago.Yet,I was a stranger.I felt like I had lost everything.I thought that it was all just going downhill for me and that there was no way of turning things around.I knew I was going into one of those NYC middle schools and that really made me upset.I certainly did not like the new place we moved in.I just simply resented...everything.My life in Great Neck was great.Nothing else more or less to say.I was content.I loved my school and I liked my friends.I loved the cute little cottage we lived in and I appreciated the quietness in the area.But I guess my convenience was all I could ever see in the life I had back there.Sure,that's what my life was all about.I live day in and day out.I sleep,eat,pray,get through school,and etc.It was oh-so-peaceful-and-mellow.But my eyes didn't capture the true meaning in living since that was all I could see.At the time of moving into College Point,I knew things wouldn't be the same.It made me foolishly grieve.I couldn't see that God was working in the midst of all this.I was so blind.In December later that year 2008,I was adjusting to my new school J.H.S. 185 or as I'd like to call it,"Bleeker Middle School."I was struggling with many things.No one wanted to be friends with me in class.Everything was just simply hard to cut the story off short.My parents met a pastor who visited our church.He was preaching to us and I was amazed on how he knew so many Bible verses by heart.He convicted me to read the Holy Bible more,because the truth was I didn't read it at all.I only read it when I "felt" like it.I didn't take much interest in it,so I barely knew it.I didn't even know that my faith in God wasn't religion.It's simply getting to know Him personally and building a relationship with Him.I didn't even understand who the Holy Spirit was and what's his purpose.So in the beginning of January 2009,I opened up my "neglected" Bible and decided that I would start reading in the book of Matthew in the New Testament.And you know what?Yeshua's(Jesus) words truly amazed me.I found His parables and use of figurative language so beautiful. From that moment on,I began to broad my mind and see things in ways that I haven't seen before.I began to see the world in a different way and I knew nothing could ever possibly attack this faith that I built.I knew that the Holy Spirit was truly moving me in my life.Certain old habits finally vanished.I was made brand new.I began to smile more and life was somehow made easier to deal with because of this new perspective.Every single time I had to cry out for God's help,He would answer, like the wonderful Father He is.And up until now,I still have this warm fuzzy feeling in my heart knowing that the wonderful Creator of this universe in mindful of me.After being a horrible, foolish, proud, judgmental, and heartless jerk,I thought it would be impossible for God to actually take me back.BUT I WAS SO WRONG!God's mercies can't even be measured.We just have to take it before it's too late.Because there will be a time where God will judge the living and the dead.I know that this all happened within one year.But man does time fly fast!It felt like just yesterday, when this all happened.But God has done so much for me in this little time.And I know He will do so much more in the following year.Today,I'm officially fourteen years old!I'm so excited for what's yet to come is God's will in my life.I'm just so grateful to know Yahweh.In this short time I've fallen in so much love with God and I've come to an understanding that it's Him who deserves all the praise that the world He created can possibly give.I'm merely a human being,born again through my faith and through the baptism of God's spirit.I have a lot to praise God for and I must not forget who I was back then when God first chose me to be His.My memories from last year felt like it all happened just yesterday.So no,I will not forget this glimpse of yesterday.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Bottled Up Inside

I lift up my head as I turn to you.
Asking and praying for what I should do.
I feel like I'm just bottled up inside.
And all these feelings just stay and hide.
I feel insecure with the things around me.
I feel so preoccupied with all that I see.
I feel so overwhelmed by this foggy haze.
And I wonder if this is only a phase.
But I should know that there's more than this.
Something so precious and brings me bliss.
Yet circumstances pull me here and there.
My feet trudge with all the weight I care.
I struggle to stand firm against this storm.
I want to just rest in your arms that are warm.
I know there's a lot waiting ahead of me.
I must keep enduring for what's yet to be.
There's no time to start crying or time to give in.
There's no chance I should give for the devil to win.
It stings me with pain to know that I hurt you.
My sins are for the cross that you died onto.
Lord I know that there's more I could do.
With every action I know I'm serving you.
I've got a lot going with my battles in school.
But I don't want to lose you or end up as a fool.
Lord I know you can hear this prayer of mine.
I'm begging you to use me for your glory that's divine.
I take down my pride and all I'm proud for.
It's you whom I love,awe,and adore.
It's you who's number one inside my heart.
And I can't let anything dare tear us apart.
And as I go on living here day by day.
I'll hang on to your words and follow your way.
It's you who gives meaning in this life that I live.
And I'll hold on to every blessing that you give.

Written By:Dara Jane Sy
Dedicated To:The Lord Jesus Christ

This poem shows my prayer and cry to God.Ever since high school started I felt like I've been just bottling up my feelings inside.My stress,pain,anxiety,and fears seemed to just stay and hide inside of me.And most of my precious time was spent on homework and studying at the end of the day.Sometimes I'd only get four hours of sleep.And for this reason,it started to make me hate if it was my enemy.I was overwhelmed and preoccupied by all this that I started to feel like I was in battle with the whole wide world.It made me feel tense and somewhat angry.I felt like all my time was being wasted.I was afraid that in the midst of all this I might just lose the most precious one dear to me...God.I was so scared of that thought.But I don't want to lose and let the enemy win.I know that the obstacles of this life and this world try to pull me down from what I truly aim for.I know I'm not perfect.There are times where I fall,stumble,or even get sidetracked.But God never lets down His children down.The Holy Spirit will always lead me to the right direction,if I ever go astray.Just knowing that I am saved by the death of Jesus Christ comforts me so much.I know am safe,secure,and loved.My God cares me just as He cares for each and every one of His children.I know I will be okay.In 2 Corinthians 4:8-10 it says,"We are pushed hard from all sides.But we are not beaten down.We are bewildered.But that doesn't make us lose hope.Others make us suffer.But God does not desert us.We are knocked down.But we are not knocked out.We always carry around the death of Jesus in our bodies.In that way,the life of Jesus can be shown in our bodies."That is exactly how I feel right now.But I know,because I Jesus Christ died for me I owe Him everything in my life.I know from time to time my body is just aching and I feel like I don't have the strength to keep going on.When I found this verse I felt like God was personally talking to me because it had to do with my situation.But come to think of it,this verse applies to everyone and this verse talks to everyone.In 2 Corinthians 4:16-17 it says,"We don't give up.Our bodies are becoming weaker and weaker.But our spirits are being renewed day by day.Our troubles are small.They only last for a short time.But they are earning for us glory that will last forever.It is greater than our trouble."Basically right now,my concern isn't only for myself,but also for everyone else out there holding on tight to God.This world can be full of hatred and chaos and we carry our little fears.But let's remember that there's a love and forgiveness out there willing to hold us with open arms.God is waiting for us to just bend our knees,humble ourselves,and seek Him with full heart.I know...that when I lay my burdens at God's feet I will be okay.God is in control of everything. :)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Who Are We?

Who are we to judge when it's God who judges us?
Who are we to ridicule,gossip,accuse,and fuss?
Who are we to use pointing fingers and blame.
We are all Christ's children and are all the same.
We stand as one body,so why must we fight?
Why take sides,labeling "wrong" and "right"?
A house that's divided will just fall apart.
We as the people were the church from the start.
Have we forgotten our purpose that God has given us?
Or are we just hanging here waiting for it to fade to dust?
How long will we lay in our little comfort zones?
And carelessly hear the streets of cries and moans?
Where is the mercy and love God has shown?
Can it be seen through our hearts?Is it visible alone?
Can the people of this world truly see it with their eyes?
No!They are blind with deception and disguise!
The things that are unseen are more real than what is seen!
Lies are infested all over the shows of the tv screen!
Illusions always surround us here and there!
Why are we so caught up with this?Why aren't we aware?
Do statuses and amount of cash matter in heaven above?
Does God require money,when all He cares for is love?
He cares that we stay humble and trust onto Him.
He cares that we shine a light in a pathway that's dim.
He cares that we put work in our faith and strive.
And that our family is fed with what we work to survive.
He cares about the heart and our spirits within us.
He cares about our faith and that it's Him who we trust.
So with our faith we must help one another.
Because our love is like sister and brother.
With every direction and step of the way.
We must encourage each other day by day.
Rather than judging without any rights.
That's God's job.We're the salts and lights.
Like a city on a hill we can't just hide.
We have to show God's glory and be the guide.
We know that God has done so much for us.
It's time we serve Him because it is a must.
We live in a world that's corrupted and heartbroken.
It's time we fix things with the gospel that is spoken.
It's time we all wake up and serve God with full heart.
We gain nothing of this world.It would just tear our soul apart.
So let's deny ourselves and carry our cross.
Let's follow Jesus Christ and save a world that's lost.

Written By:Dara Jane Sy
Dedicated To:The Lord Jesus Christ

"I said to myself,'God will judge godly and sinful people alike.He has a time for every act.He has a time for everything that is done.'" ~ Ecclesiastes 3:17
"People will be judged on the day God appoints Jesus Christ to judge their secret thoughts.That's part of my good news." ~ Romans 2:16
"What good is it if someone gains the whole world but loses his soul?Or what can anyone trade for his soul?" ~ Matthew 16:26
"So we don't spend all our time looking at what we can see.Instead,we look at what we can't see.What can be seen lasts only a short time.But what can't be seen will last forever." ~ 2 Corinthians 4:18
"There is one body.But it has many parts.Even though it has many parts,they make up one body.It is the same with Christ." ~ 1 Corinthians 12:12
"Your are the salt of the earth.But suppose the salt loses its saltiness.How can it be made salty again?It is no longer good for anything.It will be thrown out.People walk over it.Your are the light of the world.A city on a hill can't be hidden.Also,people do not light a lamp and put it under a bowl.Instead,they put it on its stand.Then it gives light to everyone in the house." ~ Matthew 5:13-15
"Everyone should provide for his relatives.Most of all,everyone should take care of his own family.If he doesn't,he has left the faith.He is worse than an unbeliever." ~ 1 Timothy 5:8
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart.Don't rely on your own understanding.In all your ways remember Him.Then He will make your paths smooth and straight." ~ Proverbs 3:5-6
"Jesus called the crowd to Him along with His disciples.He said,'If anyone wants to come after me,he must deny himself.He must pick up his cross and follow me.If he wants to save his life,he will lose it.But if he loses his life for me and for the good news,he will save it.'" Mark 8:34-35

Thursday, September 24, 2009

On My Side 24/7

Wow...high school is...I really don't know.I don't know how to explain it in words.There are points where it is okay.There are points where it is not okay.But I manage to keep pulling through.I've been going through many emotional phases these past three weeks.I felt that I had to cling to God even tighter than usual.And in every moment of the day,I would just pray silently in my head to Him.And of course I'd feel a lot better afterward.Every time I feel like I'm just losing my strength I would keep telling myself in my head it will be okay!God gives me strength!If I give up now I'll end up nowhere!I'll be fine!Everyday from 5:30 AM to who knows when(I sleep at random times at night depending on my homework O.o),I'm always up striving and constantly fighting while lack of sleep.I would have to take the public buses and switch on them vice versa,which could be a real pain,especially when I have my heavy backpack and several books in my arms.The loads of work is pressuring me also.The past few tests have made me tense but I'm so glad I passed them all.And I know for one thing,is that I couldn't have juggled all this without God's help.He's helped me through it all that it makes me want to cry.I know I have a long way to go,considering this is just the start of freshman year.But I'm just glad to know that God is on my side 24/7!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

God Makes Me Strong

What could make a person so small?Is it fear?Is it chaos?Is it change?What?There will always be something in a person's life that brings them these feelings.There will be things that we can't hide from but forcibly face.I know that in a matter of days I have to face the one thing that I fear...high school.As I've said before,it scares me.I know that counting my numbered days until high school makes me feel so weak and small.There's this song called,"How He Loves" by David Crowder Band.There's a couple of lines that fit my situation.It goes ♫He is jealous for me.Loves like a hurricane.I am a tree,bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy.♫I feel that way right now.I'm feel so helpless and vulnerable.But I know with God,everything is possible.After all I've been through,I shouldn't give into fear now.I know there are times in my life where I measure myself really small.But I have God who's big and incredible!Sometimes it may not be fear,chaos,or change alone that makes me "small", but my underestimation in myself and God!Wow!Do I feel foolish or what?!In Philippians 4:13 it says,"I can do everything by the power of Christ.He gives me strength."In Matthew 17:20-21 Jesus said,"Because your faith is much too small.What I'm about to tell you is true.If you have faith as small as a mustard seed,it is enough.You can say to this mountain,'Move from here to there.'And it will move.Nothing will be impossible for you."I should just have faith the size of a mustard seed.Its possiblities grow endlessly!I should just keep believing and trusting in God.I know that God will protect me wherever I go.I am not alone.God the Almighty Creator of the universe will help me throughout my battles in high school.Sure I have many changes and adjustments to put up with,but my God hasn't changed,and He never will.He's stuck with me through the chaos in middle school and He'll do the same in high school.I thank God for all the support and guidance.He's the only reason why I get up every morning to strive through each day.He's the only reason why I smile.He's the only reason I've finally reach my contentment in life.Nothing can be more better than that.I know high school will be scary.And I know there will be many other fears I have to face in life.But at least I don't have to face these things alone.I may be weak but God makes me strong.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

He Loves Me

I have a feeling in my heart.It's usually rare that I'd feel this way.Rare that I'd cry uncontrollably and lose my sane all because of the love and mercy He has given me.This love that is so strong and precious.I don't ever want to lose it or take it for granted.It's the greatest love of all.No one else could possibly offer it.Do you know who I'm talking about?Still trying to guess?It's God!The holy,almighty,and most high God loves me...pitiful me.I'm not trying to condemn myself.But from the very beginning I was separated from Him because of sin.But He took me back.He fought just to take me back.He suffered,died,and resurrected just to take me back.I'm just a speck of His creation.I'm only human.I disappoint Him.But He went through all that because He loves me.And He went through all that also because He loves everyone else...unconditionally.All my life I had my own struggles to face.I had my ups and my downs.My faith was like a roller coaster before.When I was a little girl,I really loved Jesus so much.I'd dance,sing,and clap up to the point I lost my sane.People called me "little Jesus freak" or "God crazy".But a few years after I was up for a bumpy road.I backslid then asked for forgiveness.I was close to God at some point,then far away at another.After years until now I fully changed and turned 360° around.Back then I thought that reading the Bible was boring.But last year a pastor convicted me to read it more.He kept saying so many verses to me from the top of his head.My eyes grew big with shock.So when January came I started off with the book of Matthew.I learned so many things and was so fascinated by Jesus's beautiful words.I especially loved the figurative language.Then I read John,1 Corinthians,and so forth.Now I'm reading Acts.I believe that reading the Bible is the best decision I've ever made.It changed my life completely.Living life was more easy,that even with difficulties around I still smiled.I began to have different views of the world.And lately I've been showered with blessings,even with ones I didn't ask for.This year I've never been more close to God than now.We are inseparable.It's such an amazing experience.I just came from Blue Mountain this weekend.It brought me close to God as well.I declared my faith in Jesus publicly through water baptism for the very first time.When we were singing I felt tears streaming down my face.Uncontrollably, I cried.Word after word,lyric after lyric,the simple little songs that never made me cry,made me cry there.I felt the presence of God there and Holy Spirit dancing within me.Then I did something I never did before in public,church,or in front of people.I lifted my hands high as I sang and cried with shaky voice.Then today we had a preacher named Jeff Clark.He talked about how God WANTS us because He LOVES us."God wants you!God loves you!"He boldly declared.The words rang out into my ears.My eyes welled up with tears.I found myself crying uncontrollably once again.Just the thought of the righteous almighty God loving me just makes me cry.Jeff Clark said that we don't need to go to drastic measures or go over the top just to serve God.The light we shine for the world is already enough.We don't have to change anything for God to love us.All we have to do is let Him embrace us.We should just trust Him and let Him lead the way for what He wants us to do.It made me cry even more when he said that.These past few months I was trying so hard to do something for God.I was so weary of my every action and every step.But just today I realize that God loves me for the way I am.I don't need to change anything.I said that I wanted to be used by God for His glory.But I was wrong for being so determined in the wrong time.I should just wait and see in God's perfect time when He will use me and let me make a difference.Later on my parents brought me the the preacher.They asked him to pray for me.He asked for my name and age.And just instantly he prayed for me as if he knew me personally.I guess the Holy Spirit gave him a discernment about me.He prayed that I wouldn't be fearful.He prayed that I could be an example to my friends and family.He prayed about my future and what God has in store for me.He said that He was thankful that I knew that God loved me and that I knew God well.When He ended the prayer he smiled at me and said "God bless you Dara".His prayer blessed me and made me cry.Right now I'm back home.My experience in Blue Mountain will always be memorable.And I learned that God loves me just as I am and I don't need to go crazy in serving Him.For now I'll just go on with this life.I'll do my daily routine and do as I always do.I'll talk to God everyday.I'll be the salt and light.I'll be an oddball yet outshine the rest.I'll preserve souls with the salt that I pour.Until then I'll just live as Dara Jane Sy simply because He loves me.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Pair of Shoes

Last night I had a dream that still overwhelms me right now.This is my dream.I was in this big mansion that I've never seen before.It was covered in darkness as if it were night but only a few rooms had some light.I was playing with my friends and I took off my old blue shoes.We were playing for a while and then suddenly my mom told me that it was almost time to go.So I looked for my shoes.For some reason I couldn't find them.Also my socks mysteriously disappeared as well.Then I started to panic because it was nowhere to be found.I prayed hard to God that I could find my shoes soon before we leave or else my dad would get annoyed.I started running barefoot everywhere in the mansion just to find my shoes.I walked outside on the sidewalk to look for my shoes.Then I went back inside to check every room and every closet.I ran passed every obstacle,twist,and turn.It began to feel like a maze.My mind was spinning.Then out of nowhere a familiar yet strange man walked towards me and asked,"What are you looking for Dara?""I'm looking for my shoes.I prayed really hard to God that I can find them soon,"I replied.He started snickering and managed to say,"Ha!You prayed to God!?There is no such thing as God!"I started to glare at him.I scolded,"How dare you say that!There is a God.I could say more if I want just to persuade you,but right now I have no time.I have to find my shoes before it's too late."I started running again.I thought to myself that this all seems...unreal.I thought am I dreaming?Then I forced myself to open up my eyes.
And there it was...reality.I woke up back to my familiar room and saw the sun shining through my window.I looked up ahead to my shoe rack and there laid my old ragged blue shoes.The one that I was looking for in my dream.Then so many questions started to pop up in my mind.What was up with that dream?Was God trying to send a message?And why did that mysterious man say such a horrible thing?I shook my head off and went back to sleep for a few minutes.Then mom knocked on my door for some breakfast.I told my parents about my dream.Then my mom gave me this book called,"Understanding the Dreams you Dream" by Ira Milligan.It had dream interpretations based on scripture.So of course everything in it is true.So I started looking up words that had to do with my dream...

Verse~Wear on your feet what will prepare you to tell the good news of peace. Ephesians 6:15
Dark Blue(my sneakers are blue):God's word,blessing,healing,good will
Verse~The blueness of the wound cleanse away evil. Proverbs 20:30a
Sidewalk/Path:Life,private walk with God,gospel,salvation
Verse~The Lord tells the people of Judah,"Stand where the roads cross and look around.Ask where the old paths are.Ask for the good paths and walk on it.Then your hearts will find rest in me"...
Jeremiah 6:16
Barefoot:Without preparation
Verse~Make level paths for your feet to walk on.Then those who have trouble walking won't be disabled.Instead,they will be healed.Try your best to live in peace with everyone.Without holiness no one will see the Lord.Be sure that no one misses God's grace.See to it that a bitter plant doesn't grow up.If it does,it will cause trouble.It will pollute many people. Hebrews 12:13-15
Running:Striving,working out one's salvation,faith
Verse~In a race all runners run.But only one gets the prize.You know that don't you?So run in a way that will get you the prize.
1 Corinthians 9:24

From all the words I've been searching up,I began to grasp more and more ideas.I believe that God is trying to say something from all this.It's not just a coincidence.It's not just some silly, weird, random dream.It's something real based on my life.Last night I cried to God asking Him for wisdom, guidance, and help.I'm just a stray lamb and I need Him to lead me like a shepherd.I thought about all the friends I care for and love.I knew that a majority of them are unsaved.Although some of them may be surrounded in an environment of God's word in the church or at home,they don't seem to be close to Jesus Christ.Even my so called "christian" friends are being part of the world.I told God that I'll do whatever it takes to make some sort of difference in this world.I want to use my abilities for the glory of God.And I believe that after I prayed God responded to me through this dream.The shoes I was looking for represented the covenant and preparation I thirst for and the gospel I'm aching the share.The shoes' color had dark blue representing God's word, blessing, healing, and good will.When I was walking barefoot on the sidewalk it represented my life, my private walk with God, and my faith.Being barefoot was a different story.It represented my uncertainty and lack of preparation.That's why I was looking for my shoes.But the fact that I was running just to find my shoes showed my determination in pursuing God's calling for me even after that mysterious man tried to discourage me.I believe that that man who said those discouraging things came from the dark side.He represented the obstacles that will try to pull me down as I strive for God's plan.But I won't let anything take me away from what God wants me to do.I'll do whatever it takes to reach these goals.It's amazing that God would give a wake up call through a dream of a pair of shoes.

Friday, June 26, 2009


I never thought it would come this way.A few months ago I even wanted middle school to be over with.I was excited for Bayside.That was until...the Bayside orientation,when things turned around.It overwhelmed me with the fear of growing up too fast.I thought that my childish days might be over and that I'm going to have to take life more seriously.But I also thought of my friends in middle school.They mean so much to me.They made a difference in my life and made me come out of my shell.Yes,I still am a shy and quiet girl.But when I'm with my friends,I could just be myself.I know I didn't know them too long and I act as if I knew them since I was in diapers.I only knew them since last December.But during these seven months memories were made that I can't erase.Jokes brought laughter that will stay in my heart.I believe that my friends were brought by God.I know that we will see each other once again down this path we travel,but there are really big changes.When I walked home from school today I couldn't take the pressure.I just had to let it out.I started crying from the thought of changes.But the truth is sometimes good things must come to an end and the things we used to love and know will fade away.So we live and we learn,we laugh and we cry.At times we must say goodbye.In life there will be changes but we all have to keep moving forward.I know we will still keep in touch and visit each other.When I say "goodbye" I'm talking about the time we spend in middle school together everyday.But I know that the world keeps turning and life keeps going and eventually things are bound to change.Just remember that I will never forget all of you because you mean so much to me.The memories will always be in my heart.

Monday, June 8, 2009

I Am Here With You

Just last week I had an orientation at Bayside High School.Everything seemed fine until I arrived at my soon-to-be high school.When I finally saw it my eyes grew big.The building was huge!It made me feel so small and weak.I was afraid, nervous, and overwhelmed.When it was time to go inside my friends and I went to the auditorium where the speech was held.There the staff talked about what we would expect as freshman students.I was all the more afraid because they made it sound so stressful.They said that we need to pass every regents and earn at least 44 high school credits in order to graduate high school.When the tours began luckily my friends and I stuck together and weren't separated.But as we took a tour I saw how big the school was in the inside and that terrified me even more.The staircase was so complicated,it felt like a maze.The tour guide said that if we were late for class the teacher can mark us absent.I gulped real hard.I was so scared that next year I would get lost and never find my way.I was in a daze.I felt like I was floating and everything was unreal.I felt like it was all a dream.I bit my tongue for a reality check and realized that it was all real.Finally after a long day I returned home.Worries seemed to fog up my mind as I came to my room.I started crying realizing that I'm not a little kid anymore and that life isn't some joke.Suddenly,I didn't want to leave middle school.I was afraid of growing up.Besides high school I worried what would happen after the next four years?Where will I be?What's going to be my career?But most importantly,what does God have in store for me?My head started hurting immensely as I thought so hard in my brain.Then I decided to spend the rest of the afternoon just praying to God.As I prayed to God the whole world seemed to fade away and all that mattered was the conversation between me and Him.I knew deep down inside that only God could heal my pain and ease my worries.I started talking to Him,asking for guidance, wisdom, strength, faith, and endurance.I asked Him to protect me for the upcoming high school years.I asked for Christian friends who I can trust.But throughout the prayer I asked for Him to tell me that He would never leave nor forsake me.I know deep down that He would never do that,but I still wanted to hear those words from Him.As I prayed to God I cried so much because I didn't want to lose Him.I asked Him to stay with me during the future trials.I said that I needed Him more than ever.Then after all that crying I finally felt something touch my soul.I opened up my eyes.Like a faint whisper in the wind I heard God's voice.Deep in my heart and soul I felt Holy Spirit say "I am here with you".I cried tears of joy knowing that God would never leave nor forsake me.He assured me that He will stay by my side through all of my life.I remember a verse that I read a few months ago.In Matthew 6:34 it says,"Don't worry about tomorrow.Tomorrow will worry about itself.Each day has enough trouble of its own".So I'll just go with the flow and rely on God through everything,because I know He is here with me just like every other Christian who are going through trials.It reminds me that through the obstacles we face on this journey that God the creator of this universe is in control of everything.God has promised to take good care of me.I have nothing to fear and that's puts a smile on my face.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Memory of Memories

There are certain things in your life that you can never forget.There are things so precious and so memorable.We would try to keep those memories with certain things.You could keep it in a journal,scrap book,or even a camera.I mostly keep my memories in a camera.My camera holds a lot of memories that I hold sentimental value on.I remembered Wednesday May 13,2009 I was taking pictures of my room because I was bored.I also wanted to keep a memory of what was on my wall.I took random pictures of random stuff.Then I uploaded everything to facebook.After uploading my pictures I inserted the memory card into the camera and put the camera inside its case.Then I carelessly put my camera somewhere on the table.I never cared to look at it ever since.Friday May 22,2009 my friend Isabella and I were suppose to work on a science project that required pictures of our experiment.So I went to my room and looked for it.At the time I needed it,that's when I cared to look for it.I never touched or used it for over a week.Right then I needed it.I couldn't find it anywhere.I searched every inch and corner of the room.I was freaking out and going insane.That camera was expensive!Then my friend Hannah was kind enough to lend me her cellphone which happened to have a camera in it.So Isabella and I went off to do our science project.Later that evening I called my mom as nervous and anxious as can be.I told her that I lost the camera.Then my mom freaked out.The both of us were scared to tell dad about the situation,especially since a few days before we lost a jacket and car keys.First a jacket and car an expensive camera?Obviously,mom and I were scared to tell dad.I constantly prayed for God's guidance and that I would eventually find the camera.So the following day we went to a prayer rally at BOCCC,using the Avalanche truck.There we met our siblings in Christ.We prayed for the nations of this world,especially the Philippines,America,and Israel.It was an amazing experience.After the prayer rally and dinner,I read a verse in 2 Corinthians 4:8-10.It said,"We are pushed hard from all sides.But we are not beaten down.We are bewildered.But that doesn't make us lose hope.Others make us suffer.But God does not desert us.We are knocked out.We always carry around the death of Jesus in our bodies.In that way,the life of Jesus can be shown in our bodies."It really related to me and the situation I was trapped in.When it said,"God does not desert us,"it really comforted me.Around seven in the evening it was time to leave and we came to the car.Tito Rolly was with us.There was some stuff in the middle seat.So,I voluntarily said,"I'll go to the other side."Tito Rolly said,"Thanks Dara!"I sighed with a heavy heart,still in grief because of the missing camera.I opened the door and climbed in the car.I gasped with mixed up emotions.There it was...the camera!!!!I was happy, relieved, excited, shocked, confused, and thankful all at once.I started shouting,"Thank you Lord God,Thank you Lord God" countless times as I cried tears of joy.My dad was bewildered and said,"Yes Dara.I took the camera to take pictures of my work."I kept crying uncontrollably with joy and relief.My mom said,"Oh praise God!"Tito Rolly said,"Amen!"And then I started laughing because it everything that I expected turned out the total opposite.My dad never got mad,the camera was never missing,and everything was okay.I thanked God in a little prayer,as I stared out the window,gazing at clouds.And I thought in my mind Hello camera!It's good to see you again.But most importantly it's good to know that there's a God out there who truly loves me.My camera holds a lot of memories.But the fact that God helped me to find the camera is something I'll never forget.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The End Is Near

You hear the busy vehicles pass by on the street.Constant beeping,constant cursing,constant aggression.You cover your ears for a moment for quiet and peace but you know that it will never stop.In school the students gossip and talk.They talk about corny things such as "drama" between a guy and a girl.You tune up the radio to find a decent song.And yet station after station all of the songs are dirty.Maybe the only place you find peace is church.But what if that church were to fall apart?On the news you hear about the bad things around.You can't get enough of the swine flu,economic crisis,or even global warming.What has come of this world?It's more disastrous than ever before.Sometimes when you walk on the street you see the people that your eyes meet.Deep down you wonder are they saved?Sometimes you hear about the awful things people do but you think it's their life not mine.But what about the people who you love the most?The people that has shaped your life into who you are now?Or the people you are really close to?Do you care about them?I go through this every single day,spending time with my friends.They tell me about their problems at home.The least I did was tell them that things will eventually get better.But what can that do?What does that prove?Surely I made no effort to tell them about the greatest love of all.It's beating in my heart inside of me.I breathe the life and truth everyday but I never share about it.I sit around with my friends who are confused and lost.They are afraid of death and misery.And what do I do?I just say "Things will get better".Yes I share my faith but I never made the attempt to try and save them.This world is worsening day by day.It's time we take a stand and make our move.Here on earth we need to make a difference and be the salt and the light for the world to see.Sure we have problems on our own but at least we have someone to look up to...God.At least we have something to look forward to...eternal life in heaven.But these people they have nothing.They believe that they miserable life will end up nowhere.They believe that they will just rot in the grave,but do they have any idea where their souls will go?We shouldn't waste this one life we have here on earth.God has a special purpose why we're here.I believe it's time we share the gospel because surely the end is near.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

All A Part of God's Big Plan

When you look back in life,was there ever a time where you felt like there's no hope and there's no point in living?When troubles pound so hard in your life,so hard that at one point your life feels so worthless?I'm pretty sure we've all been there before.Today I woke up at 9 in the morning feeling lethargic as ever.I never expected what was coming on this day.So the whole morning I just relaxed and then took a shower.Then when it was past noon my parents came.(My parents and I live in separate houses)My mom bursted the door opened and shocked me after I was sitting relaxed by the computer.She said "Get ready Dara!We're going to church!"My dad came and asked if I took a shower and I nodded.I mumbled,"Mom are we going to King of Kings?"She answered,"No we're going to a family reunion in Christ".I was sort of happy to hear that.So I quickly changed.I got a formal blouse and wore my usual "Sunday black pants".I took my watch and my polar bear necklace.I slipped on my golden brown flats.I readied my Bible,keys,and cell phone.Then we all ate breakfast.Then we left the house and it was pouring rain.We were on our way to the Bronx.When we finally reached there we went to Tita Gladys's house.There rows of seats were arranged in the small garage.The cold air was blown into the garage and it smelled like a farm.I sat down and my parents helped tidy up the place.We removed the farm scent by putting a vase of beautiftul flowers on the table which smelled really nice.Later the service started.I was thrilled to see the old friendly faces of my siblings in Christ.I had a heartwarming feeling inside of me,even though I was freezing in the cold.We had Tito Rolly read Psalm 115 and then we started to sing the familiar songs I used to know back then.We sang this one song that really brought me to tears.I couldn't help crying.It was called "Give Us Clean Hands" by Chris Tomlin.There was a part where it said ♫Oh God let us be a generation that seeks,that seeks your face oh God of Jacob.♫It made me think of how sinful and horrible I am and yet God the Maker of this universe would take me in His precious hands and mold me into something beautiful.He would find the time to be mindful of me and place a special plan for me.And I am part of the next generation.It's the same exact thing with every other Christian out there.My one true goal in my life is to figure out what God's plan and purpose is for me and that I can use it to glorify His wonderful and beautiful name.After the praise and worship service we had Mommy Rose Adriano come up and preach.She talked about the plans of God and our faith in Him.Her message truly blessed me.And throughout the Sunday afternoon I was really blessed.It turns out our fellowship together won't die.Sure we might have fallen.But now we can rise from the ashes and live again through the Spirit of the Lord.So let's dust ourselves off and wipe our sorrowful tears.Our mission isn't over yet,it merely begun.And through the trials and problems that occur in our life,we must not focus on the negative things but remember who's in control.We shouldn't be intimidated by the circumstances of this world.Whether they are big or small they are definitely small in God's eyes.And since we are His beloved children He'll take good care of us.There is nothing in this world we should be afraid of.So we've had a rough patch lately but let's remember that the Lord our God,our Father,and our Friend is in control and will do anything to keep us safe.God is in control.He allows certain things in our life to happen so His plans for us will prevail.Everything that's happening in our life,and everything that revolves around us is all a part of God's big plan.

Friday, May 1, 2009

No Worries & No Sweat

I remembered last December I was given a high school application to apply for high schools.My eyes grew wide for I never expected I'd ever do such a thing.I was underneath a lot of pressure and I thought my whole life would depend on it.I signed up for the best schools in Queens.I applied for Benjamin Cardozo,Francis Lewis,Bayside,and then Townsend Harris.I prayed hard to God that I wouldn't end up in my zoned school Flushing High School because I heard a rumor that it was a horrible and dangerous school.A few months later we got our high school results.Mr. Fleischman the guidance counselor came to our room and he announced that he was holding the high school results.Gasps filled the room.Everyone was anxious and scared at the same time.He called every student in alphabetical order.Sometimes I resent having a last name that starts with the letter S.So when he finally called me I felt my heart pound extremely fast and my whole body trembling.I can't tell what made me tremble more,the cold temperature in the classroom or the fear of not getting into a good high school.So I hesitantly took the envelope and went back to my seat.When he called the last student he said,"You may open them".I quickly opened mine, anxious and scared all at once.And there I saw it.I was put into the supplementary level along with 24 other students who didn't get into a high school.I cried hard in front of everyone not caring of what they thought.Rosa and Isabella came to me with sympathy.They patted me on the back and said that everything would be okay.So I applied for the second time with only Bayside and Francis Lewis available.They were the only good schools left.I lived by faith hoping I would get into one of those two schools.I prayed hard again in my mind saying Lord God I don't know what your will is.But whatever it is just let it be done.I shall follow wherever you lead me no matter how hard it will be.I will cling to you.Just please let me go into a good high school.And if you can't do that then protect me if I do have to go the horrible high school....Flushing High School.I know life can be tough,but my burdens are nothing compared to yours.Thank You Lord God for never leaving nor forsaking me.In Jesus Name I pray,Amen.Today May 1, 2009, during Science Mrs. Capitini got a phone call from Mr. Fleischman saying that he needed to see me and a few other people.So we all came to Mr. Fleischman's office and he smiled at all of us.As he handed the envelopes to each of us he named the high school we were going to.I was breathing heavily and silently because I was so nervous.When he called me he said,"Congratulations Dara you're going to Bayside High School!"I sighed in relief and said,"Oh thank God!"Right now I am so happy!I'm actually going to Bayside!!!!!God is wonderful.He would never turn down someone who desperately needs Him.I know that when troubles come my Father in heaven up high will take good care of me.He does the same to all His other children.And He'll do the same to anyone who calls upon His name.Just put your faith in Him and He will light the way through your darkness.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Battle Cry 2009

Today when you go out on the streets,what do you see?At daylight the town or city seems peaceful and harmless.But have you ever stop to think about the things that happen at night?When the sun goes down and the moon comes up?Has it ever crossed your mind in what teenagers do?They probably smoke, drink, take drugs, have premarital sex, and other things I don't have to spell out.This year 2009 holds a lost generation filled with confused teens.Sometimes they do these things because they think it could solve their problems.Sadly...these things just make their problems worse.Only a certain group of people in this world understand the solution to these issues.Jesus.Many years ago a group of people noticed these issues and decided to take a stand.They wanted to recreate the generation.They had a vision of thousands of youth shouting and crying out for God.They had a vision of the ones that held the future.They wanted to encourage us as teenage Christians to be the salts and lights of this take a stand and conquer darkness.Especially if we're living in the urban area day by day passing by bad influence.Ron Luce, Adam Durso, Jentezen Franklin, Tye Tribbett, and many other people have been working together to make this all possible.They held their hope on us.Because of Battle Cry thousands of teenagers are now saved.April 17-18 the weekend that just passed has been a life changing moment for me.It opened up my eyes that every Child of God should set an example to the crippled fallen world.It made me realize that I am not alone.There are millions of Christians out there hanging onto their faith just as I am.That puts a smile on my face.Bands like Lecrae, Israel, Unhindered, and Jeremy Camp were there.I cried when a guy from Unhindered said,"Just imagine God ripping off the roof of IZOD Center and pouring down His love for you right now".I couldn't help myself.I broke into tears as I was touched by the Holy Spirit.At that very moment I knew I was loved by the Creator of this universe.It made me feel so grateful how God would care to love me.Of all at night I'd think about that before I'd sleep and I'd get this warm feeling in my heart,knowing God truly cares for me.Speakers like Ron Luce and Jentezen Franklin really inspired me.Ron Luce talked about our NEEDS and our WANTS.He said wants are things we desire for but can live without.We might desperately long for it at some time and when we have it we eventually neglect it like last year's technology or fashion.Needs are things we seriously have to have or else we'll die without it.Like the food, air, water, clothes, and a house is something we need.We will need it in your daily lives.His question was "Do you treat Jesus like a need or a want?"If Jesus is a want you'll need Him at some point then eventually forget about Him.But if Jesus is a need you'll need Him every single day of your life and you can't live without Him.Want my honest opinion?Jesus is a NEED to me.Jesus and I are inseparable.I talk to Him everyday.I ask Him for advice and pray to Him for guidance.If I didn't have Him at my side I'd cry and be lost.I'm the stray lamb who was found and He's the shepherd.He leads me.I'd be crippled and afraid without Jesus at my side.Jentezen Franklin talked about the Spirit of the Python.He said it was mentioned in the Book of Acts in the Bible.When you go along with the crowd of this world and hang around with them,and you sin it won't feel so bad.That's when the Python starts grabbing you.Slowly by slowly the more you sin the harder the Python squeezes you.When you go too far with the sins the Python takes away your last breath that breathes life and you are dead.That's what will happen when you play along with the world...doing immoral things.You will end up killed.This is what cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol can do to you.Those two messages really inspired me.There were many other great things that happened at Battle Cry.But in order for you to know them you'll have to see it for yourself.Join our cry for this generation.You won't regret it I guarantee you.

Click Here For A Life Changing Moment

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Moving On...

Yesterday I was going over to a friend's house.My friend picked me up around 12 in the afternoon.Then we passed by a neighborhood,that seemed somehow unfamiliar.In my mind I thought Hmm...I've probably never been in this neighborhood before.Then the car stopped at a red light.Something caught my eyes.It struck me right there.I gasped silently as I stared at QCAC which stands for Queens Christian Alliance Church.I thought Could it be really what I think it is?Is this the place?Is this what I think it is?Or is it just some church that happens to have the same name?But I finally came to my senses that this was the place.Because I saw an apartment building the block next to it that looked familiar.Memories flood back into my mind.I thought about the parties and the celebrations.The gift exchanging.But there was more...playing in the snow,running and exploring that big building.I remembered it all.I felt overwhelmed thinking about childhood memories.Especially now that I am a teenager!!It still surprises me today that I'm 13 years old.Pretty soon I'm going off to high school.I'm a little heart broken about the split up of IFC(International Fellowship Church),but I know that these certain things happen because it's all a part of a bigger and better plan of God.When problems seem to crash in your life,remember that the most high God is in control.When problems occur remember that God has something better in store for you.You just need to find out what it is.We live and we learn.So we always have to keep moving on.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Who Am I That He Would Be Mindful of Me?

Is it true that the creator of this universe could be mindful of me?When there are so many other people in this world longing for help,He would find time to care for me?YES!!!!I'm so amazed by that.I am just a speck of His creation.I'm just a vapor in the wind.I'm a flower quickly wilting away into nothing.I'm the dust in the air.Yet God takes me in His precious hands and uses me to bless others.I'm so shocked by that.Sometimes I cry thinking about that.From the very beginning of time He had placed a special plan for me.Two Sundays ago my mom and I went to Times Square Church.After the service I felt like God spoke into my heart.I heard a voice that said,"Dara write a poem dedicated to IFC".And it hit me right there.I smiled and said to mom what I was going to do.She said,"Dara are you sure about this?People might be offended but even worse...mad".I said,"Mom I don't have to fear anything.I know for sure that God spoke in my heart to do this."I remembered a verse I read a few days ago.Matthew 10:28 it says,"Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but can't kill the soul.Instead be afraid of the One who destroy both soul and body in hell".I told mom the verse and she nodded.And yes I know my poem dedicated to IFC (3 stories down) may have hurt some people but I never intended that.I was just telling the truth and the truth may hurt.But the truth also sets you free.Although this may have hurt a few people it also blessed many others.They say I'm gifted with poetry and writing and that makes me smile literally.It makes me feel special inside since I'm nothing but a quiet and shy girl.It's in 1 Corinthians 1:26-28 it talks about God choosing the foolish things of this world to fool the wise.I'm not saying I'm actually foolish but I'm not a kind of girl that's showy and noticeable.I'm quiet and shy and that makes me invisible.Now ever since that poem many people from IFC have been talking about me which I think is pretty cool.But that's not the reason why I wrote this story.I'm here to say that I'm not a very special girl.I'm not a saint either.I'm human and I sin just like others and yet God would be mindful of me and use me to bless others.That really puts a smile on my face.

Friday, April 3, 2009

This Should Keep Us All Thinking

One of my best friends named Aubrey showed me this video.I was really inspired about it.I know in parts of the video it goes too fast for you to read it.But you can pause it.It's about an Atheist professor who brainwashed his students into thinking there was no God.But one day there was this brave student who was a christian and stood up to him.Many times before the professor would do an experiment on a chalk saying,"If there's a God he would stop this chalk from breaking."He did that on the student and slammed the chalk on the floor.And the chalk didn't break.I find this story amazing and I believe it with all my heart because God can do anything.Thanks Aubrey for the inspiring video!God bless you!And God bless anyone who believes in this ♥ :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Be Ashamed Then God Will Be Ashamed of You

Today my class and I were painting our tile designs for our school.Here in Bleeker Middle School or J.H.S. 185,it's not the best schools around.Our building doesn't look so cool.So our school had an artist from Great Neck (where I used to live) come over.So in 7th and 8th period we painted our designs on tiles.We were going to used all our finished tiles and put it on a wall to make our school look more decent.This year we focused on social justice.Many people painted peace signs,hearts,love,the earth,and the American flag.I decided to make a cross on a hill with a sunrise peering over it.One thing the people in my school don't know is I wanted to express my love for Jesus Christ.I wanted to spread a message that God loves everyone very much.I had four tile designs.One was with the cross on a hill,another was with the word "God" inside the fish symbol(fisher of men),another was with the word "loves" in a heart,and the last was the word "you" with a flower background.Altogether it was a message that said "God loves you" with a picture of the cross.Unfortunately I never got to finish the four tiles within the two periods.But I finished one tile.It was the most important tile of all.It was the cross on the grassy hill in front of the sunrise.And when I think about it,the picture of the cross says it all.When you look at it and think about the sacrifice Jesus Christ went through you will just know how much God loves you.When the time was up and I had to give in my tile, I went to the table of crowded people staring at the students' designs.I held my tile carefully in my hands.This kid name Xiao(I don't know if I spelled his name right) looked at my tile and said,"That's racist right there!You're showing the Christian religion!"I glared at him ready to defend my King and my God.I said,"Okay this is not racist.It's not like one race can love God.Anyone can love God.And I'm just expressing my love for my God."He stood there dumbfounded and a little creeped out saying,"Okay..."Back then when I was younger and people made fun of my God I used to cry.But now I'm a little wiser and stronger not to do that.Being a born again christian does not mean having a religion.In fact once you devote your heart and your life to Jesus Christ you have no religion.You have a relationship with Jesus Christ.As a christian you don't have strict practices and rituals.You don't have to recite prayers.You live freely through Christ and as a Child of God.All you have to do is follow the Bible and trust in the Lord.One thing for sure is in Matthew 5:11 it says,"Blessed are you when people mock and hurt you because of me".So I shouldn't feel intimidated in the first place.Another thing is in Matthew 10:33 it says,"But whoever is ashamed of me before men,I will be ashamed of him(her) before my Father in heaven".So I am definitely not ashamed.I love God and that is that.I could care less if people label me a Jesus Freak or call me crazy.What about you?The choice is all yours.Be ashamed then God will be ashamed of you.

Friday, March 13, 2009

A Nobody Who's A Somebody

Today was a really nice day.It wasn't so bad.But at science class I was getting bullied by a kid named Sang.He was sitting behind me and was shaking his table.Mrs. Capitini was probably ignoring him.Then suddenly he had some sort of object that hit me in my back.Usually I'd ignore obnoxious bullies like him but I couldn't tolerate the nonsense anymore.So I turned around said,"Excuse me.Do you mind?"Then he had some ridiculous response that I can't remember of.His friend Andres who sat next to him said,"Dude,you pissed her off".Sang said,"I don't care.She's a nobody!"I rolled my eyes and then remembered a verse I read earlier that morning.1 Corinthians 1:26-28 it says "Brothers and sisters,think of what you were when God chose you.Not many of you were wise by human standards.Not many of you were powerful.Not many of you belonged to important families.But God chose foolish things of the world to shame the wise.He chose the weak things of this world to shame the strong.God chose the things that are common and looked down on.He chose what is not considered important to do away what is considered to be important".And I thought over my head Sure call me what you want.Go ahead and call me a nobody.You may label me as a nobody in your worldly standards but in God's standards I am a somebody and I have a reason why I'm in this world today.I need to fulfill God's plans for me.That thought made me feel better.And it's the truth.God chose the people of this world who were discriminated to rise from the ashes and live by His plans.That's how amazing God is.He did it all so no one would brag on Him.I should just say that I'm practically a nobody who's a somebody.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Swearing's one of the most provocative things.For some of us when we hear swearing it could annoy and irritate us.For some others it could be the root of your vocabulary.I have a friend but I'm not going to mention her name.We were great friends.Then one day we sort of lost touch.We still talk online but things have changed since then.Then one day I was going through her pics on Facebook.I saw the comments underneath it.I noticed she was hanging with the wrong crowd.(Not to be judgmental)They kept using curse words.Then I noticed that she commented on her own photo.She said the expression "omfg".My eyes grew big.My friend had always been a goody goody,not to mention that she truly loves Jesus Christ.We used to talk all the time about God.I guess the pass few months we haven't talked to one another she's changed a bit.Now I just want to let you know that I'm not trying to play God here or act like some judge.Because back in sixth grade I used to have a bad mouth.I hung around with friends who cursed a lot.And the curse words played over and over in my mind like a recorder.Then one day I was so mad at someone that I said the F word.And from that day forward my faith was slipping away from God.I didn't even regret saying that pathetic word.I started cursing and cursing whenever something bad happened.I cursed until halfway of seventh grade.But I constantly cursed in my mind for the rest of seventh grade.I cried and prayed to God to heal my Fruit of the Spirit and clean my mouth.I asked forgiveness for everything I've done wrong.I was sorry for being arrogant,unthankful,and rude.I asked if He could wipe my record clean and renew my soul.Ever since that prayer I never felt the need for cursing.By the grace of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit I was lead to a path I never dreamed of.In eighth grade everything changed.In January 2009 I started reading the Bible.I started off on Matthew,then John,and now 1st Corinthians.Sure I know I'm skipping ahead but I'm reading whatever the Holy Spirit leads me to read.And I feel like a brand new person.Some of you are probably thinking once you start cursing you can never stop.But in Luke 1:37 it says,"Nothing is impossible with God".If God can calm the storm and heal the lame He can surely stop me from swearing.Sometimes I cry at night thinking of my past and my old sins.But when I open my eyes I'd realize that God has forgiven me and completely forgot my past.And He's smiling down on me calling me His friend and child.All Christians had fallen down once in their life.All Christians have a story to tell...from when they fell to how they got right back up on their feet.We all failed God.But God never failed us.I'm pretty sure my friend right now is lost in the realm of this world,but soon she will find her way back to God.God is just there...just waiting.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Little Precious Things

Last night I had such a sad dream.Well it was practically dawn when it happened.This was my dream...I was minding my own business in my room in bed.It was late at night and I was struggling to sleep.I stared at the night light shining an orangey-pinkish gleam.Suddenly,my door opened and my dad came into my room.He said"Dara,I'm sorry but your mom died."The silence fell back into the room.The words were still trying to consume into my mind.I was shocked.Without a question of my mom's death I got out of bed.Everything turned blurry and the room was spinning.I felt dizzy.My world was shattered into a million pieces.I struggled to find something to lean on.And I started to cry immensely.I felt tears roll down my face.I loved my mom so much.And...and...I snapped back into reality.I stared at the ceiling of my familiar room.I looked at Putput and Peachie my teddybears.I felt the tears still coming out my eyes.Everything was just so vague and unclear.I realized it was just a dream.A horrible dream.I was so relieved that it was just a dream.I knew right away that my mom was still alive.I knew that I'd see her again.I squinted at my watch and read 5:44 AM.I sighed in relief.I was so happy that it was nothing but a sad dream.But even though I realized it was only a dream I was still crying and I don't know why.I guess it's because I was just so overwhelmed with the thought of my mom dead.It's ironic how that dream occurred the night(dawn) before my mom's birthday.I believe that God allowed me to have that dream so I could realize how much I love my mom.And through thick and thin,through trials and problems,I will always love my mom.She's not perfect but neither am I. Today March 4, 2009 my mom is 41 years old.I walked 5 blocks to Walgreens just to get her a card and bought her a cupcake for $1 in school,but it was worth it.I hope mom has a wonderful birthday.She deserves it for being such a great mom.I can't imagine having to lose my mom right now.I'd be devastated.Sometimes you never really know the little precious things in your life until they're gone.

Monday, February 23, 2009

This Hidden Voice

All my life I've been the quiet and shy girl.It may seem like I don't have a lot to say.When you observe me you may presume I might not even have the voice to speak.Sometimes in some places I'm socially awkward.I stutter a lot.I use plain words.It's just like in church at I.F.C.(International Fellowship Church).There the youth is always in their own world always having a topic after the other for the conversation.I know that the youth is very friendly but I hardly talk with them because I'm shy around them.In certain environments I sometimes never talk because I'm extremely shy.I've realized from the past year that a new talent or gift has developed within me.And I believe it was given by God.I know I'm not exactly the most articulate and eloquent one around.I sometimes stutter and repeat words.I speak in such a weird way.I know my grammar is good because I've been in America all my life!But at times I feel like I'm talking gibberish as if I just recently learned English yesterday.I feel embarrassed about that.But when I take the time to think I can write things on paper or type whatever I want to type.And the words will just flow out of me.Then I feel like I have power in my voice.It truly amazes me.Many people say that I write beautifully and that makes me smile.I also have a passion for poetry.I base my life on my poetry and I write narrative poems.I take my anger, frustration, sorrow, pain, joy,and inspiration on writing.That's why I have this blog today.I want to show the world how I like to express myself.I think God does certain things in your life to shape you into the person you are today.I believe that God has done certain things for me to make me as a writer.And whenever I feel insecure and feel low I look at my writing.With amazement I realize that I have such a special voice.It's so precious because it was given by God.Before I used to condemn myself and think I have no purpose in this life,but I was wrong about that.There's a reason why God placed me in this world and I need to find out what that reason is.I have a mission to serve God and glorify His name just like every other Christian out there.Maybe He's given this special gift to me to help other people in this world.I also have the gift of convincing.I can change the perspectives of people.I remember how I wrote this letter saying to all my teachers that I don't deserve detention just because my classmates were acting up and I wasn't.And you know what happened after that?They put me in a better class!God is so amazing and yet indescribable!There are no words powerful enough to describe how merciful God is!God has given me a powerful voice.It's hidden inside of me.I may not be able to speak articulately out loud,but when you give me the chance to write on paper or type up something you'll be amazed of how fluent I can speak.I'm a very quiet and shy girl,but I've got a lot to say...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Daily Medicine

Everyone has some sort of sickness.I'm talking about a chronic disease.Everyone has a chronic disease within them.And no I'm not talking about cancer or asthma.I'm talking about a disease within our spirit.We are all sick people.We all have weaknesses.It could be anger issues,insecurity,or jealousy.Everyone has at least one of these sicknesses.There's no denial.At some points in your life your weaknesses seem to vanish…but for a while.Then when certain problems erupt you begin to break down and your weaknesses pour out.I for example,have anger issues.Even with a simple issue I could erupt like a volcano.But there is hope.Chronic diseases never go away,but it can be treated.Just like our weaknesses,there is healing.God can treat us with a medication for the heart.God is our doctor.He can heal us in parts regular doctors can’t.He can touch our hearts in places where no one has touched before.He knows our every thought.He knows what revolves around us.He is our best friend!And when we come to Him,we can be recovered.My medicine is daily devotion.I read the Holy Bible every morning and every evening.And what I’m about to tell you is true.Ever since I started having daily devotions,my heart has been at peace.Life has been much easier to live.And in every problem that comes my way,I simply laugh.It’s wonderful to say that God has healed me.Just like a chronic disease…my sin nature will never go away.It’s hiding inside deep inside of me.As a human being I’m still imperfect.But my sickness can be treated with daily devotions.The Word of God is not just my daily bread.It’s also my daily medicine.I know whoever is reading this right now might have a sickness too.If you want to treat your symptoms,come to God and he will give you a new life.Start having daily devotions.He will make your paths smooth and straight.I guarantee it!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

God's Calling

Every Christian has a calling in this world.We have no idea what our potential is in the Lord.God can use us in such simple ways and yet it could mean so much.Whether it's giving to the needy,spreading the gospel,encouraging others,we could be doing so much.Even I have no clue on what God wants me to do.Sometimes you may have broken hearts,shattered dreams,failed new year's resolutions,and unprevailing goals.Sometimes you hold your hopes high on something that may never come true.I hate to break it to you but sometimes it's true.Things just don't work out.With our human understanding we are ignorant,vulnerable,and clueless.We think we know what's best for us but we just don't.I remember in 6th grade my parents and I went to this agency because I wanted to be an actress,but they turned me down.Maybe that's just not what God's calling is for me.In Proverbs 3:5-6 it said,"Always trust the Lord.Do not rely on your own understanding.In all your ways remember Him.Then He will make your paths smooth and straight."I truly believe this.Our lives just become more complicated when we push things too hard with our own understanding.I cried for weeks after coming to that agency.But now I got over it.I realized that God has a better plan for me.Something that's way better than being an actress.When you let God lead the way,He'll lead you to places you've never dreamed of.He'll lead you places that you've never imagined possible.Just think of the things God can do in your life.We never know where God takes us.The only way we'll ever find out is if we let Him take control of our heart.Let Him be the guidance of your everyday life.If you want to find your true purpose in your life and find your place in this world,let God be the steering wheel of your life,not the spare tire.Here's a song that relates to this situation.

God Speaking - Mandisa

Death of Faith

Have you ever heard of the verse James 2:17?In James 2:17 Jesus said,"Faith without work is dead."I truly believe in that.Because last month God made a big miracle for me.I moved to College Point,Queens two months ago from Great Neck,Long Island.I went to Hannah's school J.H.S. 185 or as I'd like to call it Bleeker Middle School.I was a little sad about my class 802.It was a whole different environment.Most of the kids in the class were obnoxious and unfriendly.No one wanted to be friends with me in that class.I made friends with Abigail,Jasmine,Deborah,and Isabella.(Grace is another one of my friends in 803)They were all in 823 which happens to be a top class.I didn't make it to a top class because I got 3's on my state tests.During December I prayed hard to God and asked if by any chance I could move to 823.I asked if there was a possibility that if the principal did move me above all SP classes it could have been 823.One day on January 14 our class 802 had detention for misbehaving.I was punished along with all the others even though I didn't misbehave!I was infuriated and cried at detention.Later that day Mrs. Long yelled at the class and said how tired she was of their behavior.Then suddenly I felt like God spoke into my heart.Like a little whisper He told me to do something and take action.He told me to write a letter to all my teachers complaining my rights.So in the letter I mentioned about the detention and how unfair it was that I got it even though I didn't do anything wrong.I said it was the same exact thing that happened to Jesus Christ.I said that He died on the cross just for preaching about love and compassion.He never did anything wrong.He just died for the foolish sins of this world.I begged for a transfer in the letter.A week after I gave out those letters the Dean of 8th grade Ms. Davis gave me the schedule to 823.I was welling up tears of joy.I was just so happy.I didn't know how to repay God except just praise His Holy Name.God works in small ways just to help us out in life and turns it into big things.God is so amazing and yet indescribable.No one can measure what He's worth!Hallelujah!!I'm so happy to be in God's hands.I'll let Him lead the way in my life.Whatever I pray for must also include action.Faith without work is dead.If I never had the nerves to write a letter like that I'd never end up in 823.So keep faith alive by putting effort!Don't take the death of faith!