Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Memory of Memories

There are certain things in your life that you can never forget.There are things so precious and so memorable.We would try to keep those memories with certain things.You could keep it in a journal,scrap book,or even a camera.I mostly keep my memories in a camera.My camera holds a lot of memories that I hold sentimental value on.I remembered Wednesday May 13,2009 I was taking pictures of my room because I was bored.I also wanted to keep a memory of what was on my wall.I took random pictures of random stuff.Then I uploaded everything to facebook.After uploading my pictures I inserted the memory card into the camera and put the camera inside its case.Then I carelessly put my camera somewhere on the table.I never cared to look at it ever since.Friday May 22,2009 my friend Isabella and I were suppose to work on a science project that required pictures of our experiment.So I went to my room and looked for it.At the time I needed it,that's when I cared to look for it.I never touched or used it for over a week.Right then I needed it.I couldn't find it anywhere.I searched every inch and corner of the room.I was freaking out and going insane.That camera was expensive!Then my friend Hannah was kind enough to lend me her cellphone which happened to have a camera in it.So Isabella and I went off to do our science project.Later that evening I called my mom as nervous and anxious as can be.I told her that I lost the camera.Then my mom freaked out.The both of us were scared to tell dad about the situation,especially since a few days before we lost a jacket and car keys.First a jacket and car an expensive camera?Obviously,mom and I were scared to tell dad.I constantly prayed for God's guidance and that I would eventually find the camera.So the following day we went to a prayer rally at BOCCC,using the Avalanche truck.There we met our siblings in Christ.We prayed for the nations of this world,especially the Philippines,America,and Israel.It was an amazing experience.After the prayer rally and dinner,I read a verse in 2 Corinthians 4:8-10.It said,"We are pushed hard from all sides.But we are not beaten down.We are bewildered.But that doesn't make us lose hope.Others make us suffer.But God does not desert us.We are knocked out.We always carry around the death of Jesus in our bodies.In that way,the life of Jesus can be shown in our bodies."It really related to me and the situation I was trapped in.When it said,"God does not desert us,"it really comforted me.Around seven in the evening it was time to leave and we came to the car.Tito Rolly was with us.There was some stuff in the middle seat.So,I voluntarily said,"I'll go to the other side."Tito Rolly said,"Thanks Dara!"I sighed with a heavy heart,still in grief because of the missing camera.I opened the door and climbed in the car.I gasped with mixed up emotions.There it was...the camera!!!!I was happy, relieved, excited, shocked, confused, and thankful all at once.I started shouting,"Thank you Lord God,Thank you Lord God" countless times as I cried tears of joy.My dad was bewildered and said,"Yes Dara.I took the camera to take pictures of my work."I kept crying uncontrollably with joy and relief.My mom said,"Oh praise God!"Tito Rolly said,"Amen!"And then I started laughing because it everything that I expected turned out the total opposite.My dad never got mad,the camera was never missing,and everything was okay.I thanked God in a little prayer,as I stared out the window,gazing at clouds.And I thought in my mind Hello camera!It's good to see you again.But most importantly it's good to know that there's a God out there who truly loves me.My camera holds a lot of memories.But the fact that God helped me to find the camera is something I'll never forget.

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