Monday, June 8, 2009

I Am Here With You

Just last week I had an orientation at Bayside High School.Everything seemed fine until I arrived at my soon-to-be high school.When I finally saw it my eyes grew big.The building was huge!It made me feel so small and weak.I was afraid, nervous, and overwhelmed.When it was time to go inside my friends and I went to the auditorium where the speech was held.There the staff talked about what we would expect as freshman students.I was all the more afraid because they made it sound so stressful.They said that we need to pass every regents and earn at least 44 high school credits in order to graduate high school.When the tours began luckily my friends and I stuck together and weren't separated.But as we took a tour I saw how big the school was in the inside and that terrified me even more.The staircase was so complicated,it felt like a maze.The tour guide said that if we were late for class the teacher can mark us absent.I gulped real hard.I was so scared that next year I would get lost and never find my way.I was in a daze.I felt like I was floating and everything was unreal.I felt like it was all a dream.I bit my tongue for a reality check and realized that it was all real.Finally after a long day I returned home.Worries seemed to fog up my mind as I came to my room.I started crying realizing that I'm not a little kid anymore and that life isn't some joke.Suddenly,I didn't want to leave middle school.I was afraid of growing up.Besides high school I worried what would happen after the next four years?Where will I be?What's going to be my career?But most importantly,what does God have in store for me?My head started hurting immensely as I thought so hard in my brain.Then I decided to spend the rest of the afternoon just praying to God.As I prayed to God the whole world seemed to fade away and all that mattered was the conversation between me and Him.I knew deep down inside that only God could heal my pain and ease my worries.I started talking to Him,asking for guidance, wisdom, strength, faith, and endurance.I asked Him to protect me for the upcoming high school years.I asked for Christian friends who I can trust.But throughout the prayer I asked for Him to tell me that He would never leave nor forsake me.I know deep down that He would never do that,but I still wanted to hear those words from Him.As I prayed to God I cried so much because I didn't want to lose Him.I asked Him to stay with me during the future trials.I said that I needed Him more than ever.Then after all that crying I finally felt something touch my soul.I opened up my eyes.Like a faint whisper in the wind I heard God's voice.Deep in my heart and soul I felt Holy Spirit say "I am here with you".I cried tears of joy knowing that God would never leave nor forsake me.He assured me that He will stay by my side through all of my life.I remember a verse that I read a few months ago.In Matthew 6:34 it says,"Don't worry about tomorrow.Tomorrow will worry about itself.Each day has enough trouble of its own".So I'll just go with the flow and rely on God through everything,because I know He is here with me just like every other Christian who are going through trials.It reminds me that through the obstacles we face on this journey that God the creator of this universe is in control of everything.God has promised to take good care of me.I have nothing to fear and that's puts a smile on my face.

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