Saturday, December 5, 2009

Power in the Word of God

This week passed by with its usual pace.I didn't find it either slow or fast this time.Some days brought me down.Some days brought me bliss.I kept hanging on and striving through.Everyday had another battle of its own.Of course I have not stopped reading the Bible.I knew it would bring me encouragement through any circumstance.It always did.I keep my mini Bible in my backpack and I take it out when I have the chance to read it.I don't read it in a usual expected place for a person to read a Bible.I read it in school.High school...yup the public place filled with school staff and people who might possibly ridicule you.And as this world is turning darker and colder in this generation you'd expect that one day, people might even consider it illegal to say God's holy name in public places.This week a lot of people started noticing what I was doing.They had all sorts of reactions.Some people quietly smiled.Some people had shocked faces.Some people gave weird looks.Some people were amazed.Some people laughed openly.Some people mistaken it for a dictionary.(LOL!)All sorts of questions popped up."Are you religious?Do you go to church?Do you really believe in this?You actually carry a Bible around?Why are you reading it?Do you consider yourself saved?" When people asked all these questions I happily answered them.I felt blessed explaining that my relationship with God was no religion.I was happy to tell them that I read the Bible simply because I want to and wasn't typically forced to.I feel so grateful to God that I can stand boldly for Him this way.I know that God is true and that He is real.He is the Most High God and the Creator of this universe.So He deserves all the acknowledgement and praise.And for this reason,I am not one bit ashamed of my God.I'm not even afraid of the consequences in speaking about God in a public place like school.In Matthew 10:33,Yeshua(Jesus Christ) said,"But whoever is ashamed of me before men,I will be ashamed of him before my Father in heaven."I truly know how it feels now to be blessed by God when you are ridiculed because of Him.Not everyone mocked me because of this, but a few people did laughed or make weird facial expressions.In Matthew 5:11 Yeshua(Jesus Christ) said "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me." However,I am not stung by their thoughts and opinions.I'm even happy that they all acknowledge that I'm not just reading some typical book.I'm glad that they acknowledge that I'm reading the Holy Bible.And the funny part is,the few people gave a little chuckle about this,didn't really have much else to say.They even asked curious questions afterwards.This totally proves the power in the Word of God!!In Hebrews 4:12 it says,"The Word of God is living and active.It is sharper than any two-edged sword.It cuts deep enough to separate soul from spirit.It can separate joints from bones.It judges the thoughts and purposes of the heart." In John 1:1 it says,"In the beginning,the Word was already there.The Word was with God,and the Word was God." It brings me great joy because people actually end up curious.Yeshua (Jesus Christ) wasn't kidding when He said,"In the same way,let your light shine in front of others.Then they will see the good things you do.And they will praise your Father who is in heaven." Now,I know I'm jumping too far ahead for the future,but I'm pretty sure that one day,their curiosity and thirst will lead them to read the Bible and get to know who Yahweh(God) really is.I hope it does happen.But I leave that in the hands of God.It's true that there is power in the Word of God.

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