Friday, April 10, 2009

Who Am I That He Would Be Mindful of Me?

Is it true that the creator of this universe could be mindful of me?When there are so many other people in this world longing for help,He would find time to care for me?YES!!!!I'm so amazed by that.I am just a speck of His creation.I'm just a vapor in the wind.I'm a flower quickly wilting away into nothing.I'm the dust in the air.Yet God takes me in His precious hands and uses me to bless others.I'm so shocked by that.Sometimes I cry thinking about that.From the very beginning of time He had placed a special plan for me.Two Sundays ago my mom and I went to Times Square Church.After the service I felt like God spoke into my heart.I heard a voice that said,"Dara write a poem dedicated to IFC".And it hit me right there.I smiled and said to mom what I was going to do.She said,"Dara are you sure about this?People might be offended but even worse...mad".I said,"Mom I don't have to fear anything.I know for sure that God spoke in my heart to do this."I remembered a verse I read a few days ago.Matthew 10:28 it says,"Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but can't kill the soul.Instead be afraid of the One who destroy both soul and body in hell".I told mom the verse and she nodded.And yes I know my poem dedicated to IFC (3 stories down) may have hurt some people but I never intended that.I was just telling the truth and the truth may hurt.But the truth also sets you free.Although this may have hurt a few people it also blessed many others.They say I'm gifted with poetry and writing and that makes me smile literally.It makes me feel special inside since I'm nothing but a quiet and shy girl.It's in 1 Corinthians 1:26-28 it talks about God choosing the foolish things of this world to fool the wise.I'm not saying I'm actually foolish but I'm not a kind of girl that's showy and noticeable.I'm quiet and shy and that makes me invisible.Now ever since that poem many people from IFC have been talking about me which I think is pretty cool.But that's not the reason why I wrote this story.I'm here to say that I'm not a very special girl.I'm not a saint either.I'm human and I sin just like others and yet God would be mindful of me and use me to bless others.That really puts a smile on my face.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dara!
    I must say, you have truly blessed me with your blogs. I am so amazed to see a young girl like you so spiritually mature & so brave. Unfortunately, not many like you are out there and you are a great example to others.
    I also want to commend your writing and poem. I agree that you were definitely blessed with a gift.
    I'm happy I got to meet a wonderful girl like you & I hope you continue attending BOCCC. I hope you don't mind but I showed people your blog (such as my brother karl & youth pres Dawn, who is very excited to meet you=)because I am so blessed with it.
    God Bless & much love "Daracell" (i think that's adorable lol)
    - Ate Kristine
