Wednesday, February 4, 2009

God's Calling

Every Christian has a calling in this world.We have no idea what our potential is in the Lord.God can use us in such simple ways and yet it could mean so much.Whether it's giving to the needy,spreading the gospel,encouraging others,we could be doing so much.Even I have no clue on what God wants me to do.Sometimes you may have broken hearts,shattered dreams,failed new year's resolutions,and unprevailing goals.Sometimes you hold your hopes high on something that may never come true.I hate to break it to you but sometimes it's true.Things just don't work out.With our human understanding we are ignorant,vulnerable,and clueless.We think we know what's best for us but we just don't.I remember in 6th grade my parents and I went to this agency because I wanted to be an actress,but they turned me down.Maybe that's just not what God's calling is for me.In Proverbs 3:5-6 it said,"Always trust the Lord.Do not rely on your own understanding.In all your ways remember Him.Then He will make your paths smooth and straight."I truly believe this.Our lives just become more complicated when we push things too hard with our own understanding.I cried for weeks after coming to that agency.But now I got over it.I realized that God has a better plan for me.Something that's way better than being an actress.When you let God lead the way,He'll lead you to places you've never dreamed of.He'll lead you places that you've never imagined possible.Just think of the things God can do in your life.We never know where God takes us.The only way we'll ever find out is if we let Him take control of our heart.Let Him be the guidance of your everyday life.If you want to find your true purpose in your life and find your place in this world,let God be the steering wheel of your life,not the spare tire.Here's a song that relates to this situation.

God Speaking - Mandisa

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