Monday, February 23, 2009

This Hidden Voice

All my life I've been the quiet and shy girl.It may seem like I don't have a lot to say.When you observe me you may presume I might not even have the voice to speak.Sometimes in some places I'm socially awkward.I stutter a lot.I use plain words.It's just like in church at I.F.C.(International Fellowship Church).There the youth is always in their own world always having a topic after the other for the conversation.I know that the youth is very friendly but I hardly talk with them because I'm shy around them.In certain environments I sometimes never talk because I'm extremely shy.I've realized from the past year that a new talent or gift has developed within me.And I believe it was given by God.I know I'm not exactly the most articulate and eloquent one around.I sometimes stutter and repeat words.I speak in such a weird way.I know my grammar is good because I've been in America all my life!But at times I feel like I'm talking gibberish as if I just recently learned English yesterday.I feel embarrassed about that.But when I take the time to think I can write things on paper or type whatever I want to type.And the words will just flow out of me.Then I feel like I have power in my voice.It truly amazes me.Many people say that I write beautifully and that makes me smile.I also have a passion for poetry.I base my life on my poetry and I write narrative poems.I take my anger, frustration, sorrow, pain, joy,and inspiration on writing.That's why I have this blog today.I want to show the world how I like to express myself.I think God does certain things in your life to shape you into the person you are today.I believe that God has done certain things for me to make me as a writer.And whenever I feel insecure and feel low I look at my writing.With amazement I realize that I have such a special voice.It's so precious because it was given by God.Before I used to condemn myself and think I have no purpose in this life,but I was wrong about that.There's a reason why God placed me in this world and I need to find out what that reason is.I have a mission to serve God and glorify His name just like every other Christian out there.Maybe He's given this special gift to me to help other people in this world.I also have the gift of convincing.I can change the perspectives of people.I remember how I wrote this letter saying to all my teachers that I don't deserve detention just because my classmates were acting up and I wasn't.And you know what happened after that?They put me in a better class!God is so amazing and yet indescribable!There are no words powerful enough to describe how merciful God is!God has given me a powerful voice.It's hidden inside of me.I may not be able to speak articulately out loud,but when you give me the chance to write on paper or type up something you'll be amazed of how fluent I can speak.I'm a very quiet and shy girl,but I've got a lot to say...

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