Friday, March 13, 2009

A Nobody Who's A Somebody

Today was a really nice day.It wasn't so bad.But at science class I was getting bullied by a kid named Sang.He was sitting behind me and was shaking his table.Mrs. Capitini was probably ignoring him.Then suddenly he had some sort of object that hit me in my back.Usually I'd ignore obnoxious bullies like him but I couldn't tolerate the nonsense anymore.So I turned around said,"Excuse me.Do you mind?"Then he had some ridiculous response that I can't remember of.His friend Andres who sat next to him said,"Dude,you pissed her off".Sang said,"I don't care.She's a nobody!"I rolled my eyes and then remembered a verse I read earlier that morning.1 Corinthians 1:26-28 it says "Brothers and sisters,think of what you were when God chose you.Not many of you were wise by human standards.Not many of you were powerful.Not many of you belonged to important families.But God chose foolish things of the world to shame the wise.He chose the weak things of this world to shame the strong.God chose the things that are common and looked down on.He chose what is not considered important to do away what is considered to be important".And I thought over my head Sure call me what you want.Go ahead and call me a nobody.You may label me as a nobody in your worldly standards but in God's standards I am a somebody and I have a reason why I'm in this world today.I need to fulfill God's plans for me.That thought made me feel better.And it's the truth.God chose the people of this world who were discriminated to rise from the ashes and live by His plans.That's how amazing God is.He did it all so no one would brag on Him.I should just say that I'm practically a nobody who's a somebody.

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