Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Swearing's one of the most provocative things.For some of us when we hear swearing it could annoy and irritate us.For some others it could be the root of your vocabulary.I have a friend but I'm not going to mention her name.We were great friends.Then one day we sort of lost touch.We still talk online but things have changed since then.Then one day I was going through her pics on Facebook.I saw the comments underneath it.I noticed she was hanging with the wrong crowd.(Not to be judgmental)They kept using curse words.Then I noticed that she commented on her own photo.She said the expression "omfg".My eyes grew big.My friend had always been a goody goody,not to mention that she truly loves Jesus Christ.We used to talk all the time about God.I guess the pass few months we haven't talked to one another she's changed a bit.Now I just want to let you know that I'm not trying to play God here or act like some judge.Because back in sixth grade I used to have a bad mouth.I hung around with friends who cursed a lot.And the curse words played over and over in my mind like a recorder.Then one day I was so mad at someone that I said the F word.And from that day forward my faith was slipping away from God.I didn't even regret saying that pathetic word.I started cursing and cursing whenever something bad happened.I cursed until halfway of seventh grade.But I constantly cursed in my mind for the rest of seventh grade.I cried and prayed to God to heal my Fruit of the Spirit and clean my mouth.I asked forgiveness for everything I've done wrong.I was sorry for being arrogant,unthankful,and rude.I asked if He could wipe my record clean and renew my soul.Ever since that prayer I never felt the need for cursing.By the grace of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit I was lead to a path I never dreamed of.In eighth grade everything changed.In January 2009 I started reading the Bible.I started off on Matthew,then John,and now 1st Corinthians.Sure I know I'm skipping ahead but I'm reading whatever the Holy Spirit leads me to read.And I feel like a brand new person.Some of you are probably thinking once you start cursing you can never stop.But in Luke 1:37 it says,"Nothing is impossible with God".If God can calm the storm and heal the lame He can surely stop me from swearing.Sometimes I cry at night thinking of my past and my old sins.But when I open my eyes I'd realize that God has forgiven me and completely forgot my past.And He's smiling down on me calling me His friend and child.All Christians had fallen down once in their life.All Christians have a story to tell...from when they fell to how they got right back up on their feet.We all failed God.But God never failed us.I'm pretty sure my friend right now is lost in the realm of this world,but soon she will find her way back to God.God is just there...just waiting.

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