Monday, April 20, 2009

Battle Cry 2009

Today when you go out on the streets,what do you see?At daylight the town or city seems peaceful and harmless.But have you ever stop to think about the things that happen at night?When the sun goes down and the moon comes up?Has it ever crossed your mind in what teenagers do?They probably smoke, drink, take drugs, have premarital sex, and other things I don't have to spell out.This year 2009 holds a lost generation filled with confused teens.Sometimes they do these things because they think it could solve their problems.Sadly...these things just make their problems worse.Only a certain group of people in this world understand the solution to these issues.Jesus.Many years ago a group of people noticed these issues and decided to take a stand.They wanted to recreate the generation.They had a vision of thousands of youth shouting and crying out for God.They had a vision of the ones that held the future.They wanted to encourage us as teenage Christians to be the salts and lights of this take a stand and conquer darkness.Especially if we're living in the urban area day by day passing by bad influence.Ron Luce, Adam Durso, Jentezen Franklin, Tye Tribbett, and many other people have been working together to make this all possible.They held their hope on us.Because of Battle Cry thousands of teenagers are now saved.April 17-18 the weekend that just passed has been a life changing moment for me.It opened up my eyes that every Child of God should set an example to the crippled fallen world.It made me realize that I am not alone.There are millions of Christians out there hanging onto their faith just as I am.That puts a smile on my face.Bands like Lecrae, Israel, Unhindered, and Jeremy Camp were there.I cried when a guy from Unhindered said,"Just imagine God ripping off the roof of IZOD Center and pouring down His love for you right now".I couldn't help myself.I broke into tears as I was touched by the Holy Spirit.At that very moment I knew I was loved by the Creator of this universe.It made me feel so grateful how God would care to love me.Of all at night I'd think about that before I'd sleep and I'd get this warm feeling in my heart,knowing God truly cares for me.Speakers like Ron Luce and Jentezen Franklin really inspired me.Ron Luce talked about our NEEDS and our WANTS.He said wants are things we desire for but can live without.We might desperately long for it at some time and when we have it we eventually neglect it like last year's technology or fashion.Needs are things we seriously have to have or else we'll die without it.Like the food, air, water, clothes, and a house is something we need.We will need it in your daily lives.His question was "Do you treat Jesus like a need or a want?"If Jesus is a want you'll need Him at some point then eventually forget about Him.But if Jesus is a need you'll need Him every single day of your life and you can't live without Him.Want my honest opinion?Jesus is a NEED to me.Jesus and I are inseparable.I talk to Him everyday.I ask Him for advice and pray to Him for guidance.If I didn't have Him at my side I'd cry and be lost.I'm the stray lamb who was found and He's the shepherd.He leads me.I'd be crippled and afraid without Jesus at my side.Jentezen Franklin talked about the Spirit of the Python.He said it was mentioned in the Book of Acts in the Bible.When you go along with the crowd of this world and hang around with them,and you sin it won't feel so bad.That's when the Python starts grabbing you.Slowly by slowly the more you sin the harder the Python squeezes you.When you go too far with the sins the Python takes away your last breath that breathes life and you are dead.That's what will happen when you play along with the world...doing immoral things.You will end up killed.This is what cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol can do to you.Those two messages really inspired me.There were many other great things that happened at Battle Cry.But in order for you to know them you'll have to see it for yourself.Join our cry for this generation.You won't regret it I guarantee you.

Click Here For A Life Changing Moment

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Moving On...

Yesterday I was going over to a friend's house.My friend picked me up around 12 in the afternoon.Then we passed by a neighborhood,that seemed somehow unfamiliar.In my mind I thought Hmm...I've probably never been in this neighborhood before.Then the car stopped at a red light.Something caught my eyes.It struck me right there.I gasped silently as I stared at QCAC which stands for Queens Christian Alliance Church.I thought Could it be really what I think it is?Is this the place?Is this what I think it is?Or is it just some church that happens to have the same name?But I finally came to my senses that this was the place.Because I saw an apartment building the block next to it that looked familiar.Memories flood back into my mind.I thought about the parties and the celebrations.The gift exchanging.But there was more...playing in the snow,running and exploring that big building.I remembered it all.I felt overwhelmed thinking about childhood memories.Especially now that I am a teenager!!It still surprises me today that I'm 13 years old.Pretty soon I'm going off to high school.I'm a little heart broken about the split up of IFC(International Fellowship Church),but I know that these certain things happen because it's all a part of a bigger and better plan of God.When problems seem to crash in your life,remember that the most high God is in control.When problems occur remember that God has something better in store for you.You just need to find out what it is.We live and we learn.So we always have to keep moving on.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Who Am I That He Would Be Mindful of Me?

Is it true that the creator of this universe could be mindful of me?When there are so many other people in this world longing for help,He would find time to care for me?YES!!!!I'm so amazed by that.I am just a speck of His creation.I'm just a vapor in the wind.I'm a flower quickly wilting away into nothing.I'm the dust in the air.Yet God takes me in His precious hands and uses me to bless others.I'm so shocked by that.Sometimes I cry thinking about that.From the very beginning of time He had placed a special plan for me.Two Sundays ago my mom and I went to Times Square Church.After the service I felt like God spoke into my heart.I heard a voice that said,"Dara write a poem dedicated to IFC".And it hit me right there.I smiled and said to mom what I was going to do.She said,"Dara are you sure about this?People might be offended but even worse...mad".I said,"Mom I don't have to fear anything.I know for sure that God spoke in my heart to do this."I remembered a verse I read a few days ago.Matthew 10:28 it says,"Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but can't kill the soul.Instead be afraid of the One who destroy both soul and body in hell".I told mom the verse and she nodded.And yes I know my poem dedicated to IFC (3 stories down) may have hurt some people but I never intended that.I was just telling the truth and the truth may hurt.But the truth also sets you free.Although this may have hurt a few people it also blessed many others.They say I'm gifted with poetry and writing and that makes me smile literally.It makes me feel special inside since I'm nothing but a quiet and shy girl.It's in 1 Corinthians 1:26-28 it talks about God choosing the foolish things of this world to fool the wise.I'm not saying I'm actually foolish but I'm not a kind of girl that's showy and noticeable.I'm quiet and shy and that makes me invisible.Now ever since that poem many people from IFC have been talking about me which I think is pretty cool.But that's not the reason why I wrote this story.I'm here to say that I'm not a very special girl.I'm not a saint either.I'm human and I sin just like others and yet God would be mindful of me and use me to bless others.That really puts a smile on my face.

Friday, April 3, 2009

This Should Keep Us All Thinking

One of my best friends named Aubrey showed me this video.I was really inspired about it.I know in parts of the video it goes too fast for you to read it.But you can pause it.It's about an Atheist professor who brainwashed his students into thinking there was no God.But one day there was this brave student who was a christian and stood up to him.Many times before the professor would do an experiment on a chalk saying,"If there's a God he would stop this chalk from breaking."He did that on the student and slammed the chalk on the floor.And the chalk didn't break.I find this story amazing and I believe it with all my heart because God can do anything.Thanks Aubrey for the inspiring video!God bless you!And God bless anyone who believes in this ♥ :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Be Ashamed Then God Will Be Ashamed of You

Today my class and I were painting our tile designs for our school.Here in Bleeker Middle School or J.H.S. 185,it's not the best schools around.Our building doesn't look so cool.So our school had an artist from Great Neck (where I used to live) come over.So in 7th and 8th period we painted our designs on tiles.We were going to used all our finished tiles and put it on a wall to make our school look more decent.This year we focused on social justice.Many people painted peace signs,hearts,love,the earth,and the American flag.I decided to make a cross on a hill with a sunrise peering over it.One thing the people in my school don't know is I wanted to express my love for Jesus Christ.I wanted to spread a message that God loves everyone very much.I had four tile designs.One was with the cross on a hill,another was with the word "God" inside the fish symbol(fisher of men),another was with the word "loves" in a heart,and the last was the word "you" with a flower background.Altogether it was a message that said "God loves you" with a picture of the cross.Unfortunately I never got to finish the four tiles within the two periods.But I finished one tile.It was the most important tile of all.It was the cross on the grassy hill in front of the sunrise.And when I think about it,the picture of the cross says it all.When you look at it and think about the sacrifice Jesus Christ went through you will just know how much God loves you.When the time was up and I had to give in my tile, I went to the table of crowded people staring at the students' designs.I held my tile carefully in my hands.This kid name Xiao(I don't know if I spelled his name right) looked at my tile and said,"That's racist right there!You're showing the Christian religion!"I glared at him ready to defend my King and my God.I said,"Okay this is not racist.It's not like one race can love God.Anyone can love God.And I'm just expressing my love for my God."He stood there dumbfounded and a little creeped out saying,"Okay..."Back then when I was younger and people made fun of my God I used to cry.But now I'm a little wiser and stronger not to do that.Being a born again christian does not mean having a religion.In fact once you devote your heart and your life to Jesus Christ you have no religion.You have a relationship with Jesus Christ.As a christian you don't have strict practices and rituals.You don't have to recite prayers.You live freely through Christ and as a Child of God.All you have to do is follow the Bible and trust in the Lord.One thing for sure is in Matthew 5:11 it says,"Blessed are you when people mock and hurt you because of me".So I shouldn't feel intimidated in the first place.Another thing is in Matthew 10:33 it says,"But whoever is ashamed of me before men,I will be ashamed of him(her) before my Father in heaven".So I am definitely not ashamed.I love God and that is that.I could care less if people label me a Jesus Freak or call me crazy.What about you?The choice is all yours.Be ashamed then God will be ashamed of you.