Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Memory of Memories

There are certain things in your life that you can never forget.There are things so precious and so memorable.We would try to keep those memories with certain things.You could keep it in a journal,scrap book,or even a camera.I mostly keep my memories in a camera.My camera holds a lot of memories that I hold sentimental value on.I remembered Wednesday May 13,2009 I was taking pictures of my room because I was bored.I also wanted to keep a memory of what was on my wall.I took random pictures of random stuff.Then I uploaded everything to facebook.After uploading my pictures I inserted the memory card into the camera and put the camera inside its case.Then I carelessly put my camera somewhere on the table.I never cared to look at it ever since.Friday May 22,2009 my friend Isabella and I were suppose to work on a science project that required pictures of our experiment.So I went to my room and looked for it.At the time I needed it,that's when I cared to look for it.I never touched or used it for over a week.Right then I needed it.I couldn't find it anywhere.I searched every inch and corner of the room.I was freaking out and going insane.That camera was expensive!Then my friend Hannah was kind enough to lend me her cellphone which happened to have a camera in it.So Isabella and I went off to do our science project.Later that evening I called my mom as nervous and anxious as can be.I told her that I lost the camera.Then my mom freaked out.The both of us were scared to tell dad about the situation,especially since a few days before we lost a jacket and car keys.First a jacket and car an expensive camera?Obviously,mom and I were scared to tell dad.I constantly prayed for God's guidance and that I would eventually find the camera.So the following day we went to a prayer rally at BOCCC,using the Avalanche truck.There we met our siblings in Christ.We prayed for the nations of this world,especially the Philippines,America,and Israel.It was an amazing experience.After the prayer rally and dinner,I read a verse in 2 Corinthians 4:8-10.It said,"We are pushed hard from all sides.But we are not beaten down.We are bewildered.But that doesn't make us lose hope.Others make us suffer.But God does not desert us.We are knocked out.We always carry around the death of Jesus in our bodies.In that way,the life of Jesus can be shown in our bodies."It really related to me and the situation I was trapped in.When it said,"God does not desert us,"it really comforted me.Around seven in the evening it was time to leave and we came to the car.Tito Rolly was with us.There was some stuff in the middle seat.So,I voluntarily said,"I'll go to the other side."Tito Rolly said,"Thanks Dara!"I sighed with a heavy heart,still in grief because of the missing camera.I opened the door and climbed in the car.I gasped with mixed up emotions.There it was...the camera!!!!I was happy, relieved, excited, shocked, confused, and thankful all at once.I started shouting,"Thank you Lord God,Thank you Lord God" countless times as I cried tears of joy.My dad was bewildered and said,"Yes Dara.I took the camera to take pictures of my work."I kept crying uncontrollably with joy and relief.My mom said,"Oh praise God!"Tito Rolly said,"Amen!"And then I started laughing because it everything that I expected turned out the total opposite.My dad never got mad,the camera was never missing,and everything was okay.I thanked God in a little prayer,as I stared out the window,gazing at clouds.And I thought in my mind Hello camera!It's good to see you again.But most importantly it's good to know that there's a God out there who truly loves me.My camera holds a lot of memories.But the fact that God helped me to find the camera is something I'll never forget.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The End Is Near

You hear the busy vehicles pass by on the street.Constant beeping,constant cursing,constant aggression.You cover your ears for a moment for quiet and peace but you know that it will never stop.In school the students gossip and talk.They talk about corny things such as "drama" between a guy and a girl.You tune up the radio to find a decent song.And yet station after station all of the songs are dirty.Maybe the only place you find peace is church.But what if that church were to fall apart?On the news you hear about the bad things around.You can't get enough of the swine flu,economic crisis,or even global warming.What has come of this world?It's more disastrous than ever before.Sometimes when you walk on the street you see the people that your eyes meet.Deep down you wonder are they saved?Sometimes you hear about the awful things people do but you think it's their life not mine.But what about the people who you love the most?The people that has shaped your life into who you are now?Or the people you are really close to?Do you care about them?I go through this every single day,spending time with my friends.They tell me about their problems at home.The least I did was tell them that things will eventually get better.But what can that do?What does that prove?Surely I made no effort to tell them about the greatest love of all.It's beating in my heart inside of me.I breathe the life and truth everyday but I never share about it.I sit around with my friends who are confused and lost.They are afraid of death and misery.And what do I do?I just say "Things will get better".Yes I share my faith but I never made the attempt to try and save them.This world is worsening day by day.It's time we take a stand and make our move.Here on earth we need to make a difference and be the salt and the light for the world to see.Sure we have problems on our own but at least we have someone to look up to...God.At least we have something to look forward to...eternal life in heaven.But these people they have nothing.They believe that they miserable life will end up nowhere.They believe that they will just rot in the grave,but do they have any idea where their souls will go?We shouldn't waste this one life we have here on earth.God has a special purpose why we're here.I believe it's time we share the gospel because surely the end is near.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

All A Part of God's Big Plan

When you look back in life,was there ever a time where you felt like there's no hope and there's no point in living?When troubles pound so hard in your life,so hard that at one point your life feels so worthless?I'm pretty sure we've all been there before.Today I woke up at 9 in the morning feeling lethargic as ever.I never expected what was coming on this day.So the whole morning I just relaxed and then took a shower.Then when it was past noon my parents came.(My parents and I live in separate houses)My mom bursted the door opened and shocked me after I was sitting relaxed by the computer.She said "Get ready Dara!We're going to church!"My dad came and asked if I took a shower and I nodded.I mumbled,"Mom are we going to King of Kings?"She answered,"No we're going to a family reunion in Christ".I was sort of happy to hear that.So I quickly changed.I got a formal blouse and wore my usual "Sunday black pants".I took my watch and my polar bear necklace.I slipped on my golden brown flats.I readied my Bible,keys,and cell phone.Then we all ate breakfast.Then we left the house and it was pouring rain.We were on our way to the Bronx.When we finally reached there we went to Tita Gladys's house.There rows of seats were arranged in the small garage.The cold air was blown into the garage and it smelled like a farm.I sat down and my parents helped tidy up the place.We removed the farm scent by putting a vase of beautiftul flowers on the table which smelled really nice.Later the service started.I was thrilled to see the old friendly faces of my siblings in Christ.I had a heartwarming feeling inside of me,even though I was freezing in the cold.We had Tito Rolly read Psalm 115 and then we started to sing the familiar songs I used to know back then.We sang this one song that really brought me to tears.I couldn't help crying.It was called "Give Us Clean Hands" by Chris Tomlin.There was a part where it said ♫Oh God let us be a generation that seeks,that seeks your face oh God of Jacob.♫It made me think of how sinful and horrible I am and yet God the Maker of this universe would take me in His precious hands and mold me into something beautiful.He would find the time to be mindful of me and place a special plan for me.And I am part of the next generation.It's the same exact thing with every other Christian out there.My one true goal in my life is to figure out what God's plan and purpose is for me and that I can use it to glorify His wonderful and beautiful name.After the praise and worship service we had Mommy Rose Adriano come up and preach.She talked about the plans of God and our faith in Him.Her message truly blessed me.And throughout the Sunday afternoon I was really blessed.It turns out our fellowship together won't die.Sure we might have fallen.But now we can rise from the ashes and live again through the Spirit of the Lord.So let's dust ourselves off and wipe our sorrowful tears.Our mission isn't over yet,it merely begun.And through the trials and problems that occur in our life,we must not focus on the negative things but remember who's in control.We shouldn't be intimidated by the circumstances of this world.Whether they are big or small they are definitely small in God's eyes.And since we are His beloved children He'll take good care of us.There is nothing in this world we should be afraid of.So we've had a rough patch lately but let's remember that the Lord our God,our Father,and our Friend is in control and will do anything to keep us safe.God is in control.He allows certain things in our life to happen so His plans for us will prevail.Everything that's happening in our life,and everything that revolves around us is all a part of God's big plan.

Friday, May 1, 2009

No Worries & No Sweat

I remembered last December I was given a high school application to apply for high schools.My eyes grew wide for I never expected I'd ever do such a thing.I was underneath a lot of pressure and I thought my whole life would depend on it.I signed up for the best schools in Queens.I applied for Benjamin Cardozo,Francis Lewis,Bayside,and then Townsend Harris.I prayed hard to God that I wouldn't end up in my zoned school Flushing High School because I heard a rumor that it was a horrible and dangerous school.A few months later we got our high school results.Mr. Fleischman the guidance counselor came to our room and he announced that he was holding the high school results.Gasps filled the room.Everyone was anxious and scared at the same time.He called every student in alphabetical order.Sometimes I resent having a last name that starts with the letter S.So when he finally called me I felt my heart pound extremely fast and my whole body trembling.I can't tell what made me tremble more,the cold temperature in the classroom or the fear of not getting into a good high school.So I hesitantly took the envelope and went back to my seat.When he called the last student he said,"You may open them".I quickly opened mine, anxious and scared all at once.And there I saw it.I was put into the supplementary level along with 24 other students who didn't get into a high school.I cried hard in front of everyone not caring of what they thought.Rosa and Isabella came to me with sympathy.They patted me on the back and said that everything would be okay.So I applied for the second time with only Bayside and Francis Lewis available.They were the only good schools left.I lived by faith hoping I would get into one of those two schools.I prayed hard again in my mind saying Lord God I don't know what your will is.But whatever it is just let it be done.I shall follow wherever you lead me no matter how hard it will be.I will cling to you.Just please let me go into a good high school.And if you can't do that then protect me if I do have to go the horrible high school....Flushing High School.I know life can be tough,but my burdens are nothing compared to yours.Thank You Lord God for never leaving nor forsaking me.In Jesus Name I pray,Amen.Today May 1, 2009, during Science Mrs. Capitini got a phone call from Mr. Fleischman saying that he needed to see me and a few other people.So we all came to Mr. Fleischman's office and he smiled at all of us.As he handed the envelopes to each of us he named the high school we were going to.I was breathing heavily and silently because I was so nervous.When he called me he said,"Congratulations Dara you're going to Bayside High School!"I sighed in relief and said,"Oh thank God!"Right now I am so happy!I'm actually going to Bayside!!!!!God is wonderful.He would never turn down someone who desperately needs Him.I know that when troubles come my Father in heaven up high will take good care of me.He does the same to all His other children.And He'll do the same to anyone who calls upon His name.Just put your faith in Him and He will light the way through your darkness.