Thursday, September 29, 2011

God is not a God of disappointments

Many yield the warning, to never put hope in other people, because they'll only let you down. That has always been true in my whole lifetime. So why do I end up putting hope in people? Why do I end up trusting? Why do I make myself vulnerable, only to get hurt? I have no idea.

How many times does this have to be stressed in life? How many times must we face bitter experiences? How many times must we be let down or hurt? How many times do our hearts have to break?

All in all, we realize the pattern placed in our lives. It all ends the same way. People let down people. People are imperfect. People change. People come and go. People don't stay forever.

And this is the reason why we've got to put our hope in something bigger...someone...someone greater than man, someone such as God. You know that God will never leave you nor forsake you. He'll always be there for you. He feels what you feel and so He sympathizes with you.

Don't ever feel like God has let you down. The people and the world can let you down, but God is not a God of disappointments. We all know that not everything goes our way. But that's because not everything we want or believe is best for really the best for us at all. We don't always understand the will of God, but He always wants the best for us. We can only let Him make the way, if we believe and trust in Him.

Through every struggle and storm in this life, through tears, laughter and joy, God will be here for us. He is the best friend, that we don't always acknowledge or give enough appreciation to. He's the One who gives infinitive and undeserved love, love sometimes left unrequited. This is the unconditional love, that humanity doesn't always clearly see. But I guess that's the whole point of grace.

Unconditional love, isn't from man who is naturally prone to hatred and revenge, but from the God who has everlasting mercy and teaches us to love and forgive. And so you see the love that was placed on that cross. A Savior and a King who dies for the people who rejected Him. God continues to shine sunlight upon a world so dark. His mercies renewed every single day. Hope still exists through the time of your life. Unrequited love, kindness, and affection will always hurt. God feels this pain all the time, with His own creations too. However, hurt once, hurt twice, hurt thrice, God will not be the one to hurt you. He's the One to heal you and make you whole and brand new.

During times of disappointment, we shake our heads at humanity. We're all broken in the inside, and little do most of us know that we need fixing. The greatest place we can put our hope is God. Maybe the idea and truth can't be expressed enough in this life; even when the world lets us down, God will never let us down.

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