Thursday, September 22, 2011

The most heart breaking thing, is to see an unbeliever grieve about death and loss.

In the afternoon, my friend had a phone call about her grandfather passing away. Seeing her cry, made me cry. My two other friends and me, did the least we could, hugging her and patting her on the back, saying "We're here for you, be strong." As a Christian, you know what's beyond this temporal life and death. And I wanted to say, "Death isn't the dead end." But the thing is, there are only two ways to go. My friends and I said our goodbyes, giving our last hugs to her. I rode the bus home, feeling shattered in the inside, grieving for my friend's loss. I arrived home and felt deeply compelled, to take a moment in meditation. I took my Bible and turned to 1 John 5. As I started reading the chapter, the tears already started to pour. It talked about Jesus Christ and the faith that overcomes the world. It struck me so hard when I landed on the verse, "And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this is in his Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life." (1 John 5:11-12) I whimpered, cried, and lost control of my sanity. I began feeling the pain that God feels everyday. He sees His creations He loves, disregarding and turning away from Him, living empty lives, living among the world. They might have heard of Him, they might have not. But many don't know Him; know the Creator; know the One who died for them. But faith truly does come from hearing the word of God. So I cried and prayed, kneeling against the floor. I prayed for the Body of Christ, because the action and effort is overdue. There's a reason why we need to spread the good news. There's a reason why there are four gospels in the Bible. There's a reason why Jesus Christ commanded us to make disciples of all nations. God doesn't want us to remain in one spot, lying in our comfort zones, not opening the mouths that He gave us to speak. What are we Christians doing, casually living our lives from day to day? Are we called to eat, sleep, work, and live like everyone else? No! We are called for greater things. So many die, without hearing the truth. But it starts with us, to take the actions and share the truth. Faith without the action is dead. So God impressed one thing in my heart, and it's that: for as long as I live, I will never shut up about God. I will always talk about Him, making sure that people hear of Him. It does not matter if I sound like a broken record, because I know the words and truth I say from God will last for eternity. Everyone deserves a chance. No one should live their whole life on earth, without hearing the name of Jesus Christ.

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