Friday, December 2, 2011

I surrendered

I stayed home today. I was too overwhelmed, plus that fever really hindered me. Hopefully, missing school today won't kill me for next week. As far as I know...I got 4 essays to do by the end of this weekend, plus another essay by next Friday. I cannot wait until winter "break." But even then, it's not really much of a break if the teachers will pour an avalanche of homework on me. This is my junior year [yet I know college will be worst]. *sigh* Well, this is the beautiful life. The ironic part is, I'm not saying that with sarcasm. No matter what you face, you still have got to find the beauty in life. And the beauty is the fact that God woke you up to another day and that He is always in control. It's in the hands of God that I find my eternal, endless hope. Thank you Jesus Christ. ♥

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