Monday, May 31, 2010

God Please Help Me...

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"God please help me to get through all of the stress from finals,regents,and everything else... >.< I seriously need your help.I need to remember that 'I can do all things through Christ,who strengthens me.' Philippians 4:13 Please help me Lord."

Yeah I'm sorry.I know I don't write on my blog frequently as much as I did last year.It's just that nowadays I'm always busy in high school.I might be even more busy in college three years from now.I don't want a month to pass by without me posting a blog post.I want to show that God is still moving in my life.He's moving in every one of His children's lives.

I'm feeling pretty scared and anxious for the upcoming finals and regents.I'm not the brightest students around.I may have decent grades.I do try my hardest in school.But I'm a forgetful person.I learn something new in a lesson.We have a test...have a new lesson...and I forget what I learned in the previous lesson.So yeah...I barely remember what I've learned throughout the entire school year.That's why I'm studying hard and praying that I'll make it through.I know I will...because God is here to help.

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