Friday, January 1, 2010

The Year I Came To Know God

It might be a little late right now.I wanted to talk about my year of 2009.Mostly people would talk about their year before or around when the clock strikes twelve. It's 11:02 AM as I'm typing this sentence.It's the first day of 2010.I'm a bit overwhelmed by the fact that I have to return to school in two days.But I'm happy to know it's a brand new year.It surprises me how emotional people can be in this phase of change.Some people are just so attached to 2009 and some people aren't ready to move on.But for some reason...I'm ready to move on.Just yesterday morning,I didn't make a big deal over the fact that it was New Year's Eve.I was just sitting sluggishly in front of the computer,continuing my tedious homework.But as the hours passed by,I noticed how people expressed their feelings about 2009 in the live feed of my facebook homepage.I thought to myself wow...I had no idea people could be so emotional about this.But now that I think about it,there's so much to be thankful for.Especially since 2009 was truly my year of change.I know that usually New Year's resolutions go downhill.(Let's get real..people neglect them...right?)But sometimes New Year's resolutions do prevail if the person is truly motivated about it.Well my New Year's resolution for 2009,was to start reading the Bible.On January 4,2009 I started reading the book of Matthew.I didn't know why I picked it.But I guess I just wanted to start fresh in the New Testament.I prayed hard to God that I could learn and memorize many verses.Little did I know that God would open up my eyes to so much more things.The Holy Spirit was definitely working inside of me.I was finally fed with the food that my spirit longed to consume all these years.I was beyond content.I felt like my days were overflowing with blessings.At every corner and aspect of my life,I always had another reason to thank God.My mentality began to broad like the horizon.I began to see the world and the universe in a whole new way.I know mentioned this before.I mentioned it several times on my blog.But I never get tired of saying these things.Because these are the experiences that turned my whole life around.I was like a brutal monster back then,with all my sinful,wicked,and foolish ways.My decisions were absurd and so I stumbled along the pathway.But God lifted up the curse in me and broke me free from these chains of sin.He only did that when I was truly seeking with a thirsty earnest heart.He only did that when I believed with all my faith.Yes...I was born into a Christian family.Yes...I was trained to believe in Him.And yes...I did believe that there was a God all my life.But I never truly got to know Him personally like I did in 2009,when I started reading the Bible.The Bible does wonders in your life that you've never even dreamed of or thought possible. That's where you'll find God.That's why I will remember 2009 and keep it close to my heart.Because 2009 is the very year that I truly came to know God."I don't know what tomorrow will hold,but I know who holds tomorrow." Quoted by a preacher whose name I don't know of.God will take good care of His children.Thats why I'm not afraid of 2010.Happy New Year everyone! :)

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