Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sweeter Love by Rebecca Woodbury

Today, be patient, small heart of mine.

Look not about, but rest in a love divine.

Tomorrow, perhaps, God may choose to bring,

Another to love - this time an earthly thing.

But today, small heart, look quick away,

From meaningful glances and men just wanting to play.

Quiet the longings that spring from within,

And turn from the ache to find rest in Him.

Though sweet may be this song of love,

Let not a flirting eye distract you from above.

You, my heart, have already been claimed,

And Jesus has your Prince been named.

So today find joy in a love superb,

Gracious, compassionate, more than what’s deserved.

Give Jesus your wantings, give Him your needs,

For He will supply, if only we believe.

(Man, I totally needed this. <3 )

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