Sunday, September 27, 2009

Who Are We?

Who are we to judge when it's God who judges us?
Who are we to ridicule,gossip,accuse,and fuss?
Who are we to use pointing fingers and blame.
We are all Christ's children and are all the same.
We stand as one body,so why must we fight?
Why take sides,labeling "wrong" and "right"?
A house that's divided will just fall apart.
We as the people were the church from the start.
Have we forgotten our purpose that God has given us?
Or are we just hanging here waiting for it to fade to dust?
How long will we lay in our little comfort zones?
And carelessly hear the streets of cries and moans?
Where is the mercy and love God has shown?
Can it be seen through our hearts?Is it visible alone?
Can the people of this world truly see it with their eyes?
No!They are blind with deception and disguise!
The things that are unseen are more real than what is seen!
Lies are infested all over the shows of the tv screen!
Illusions always surround us here and there!
Why are we so caught up with this?Why aren't we aware?
Do statuses and amount of cash matter in heaven above?
Does God require money,when all He cares for is love?
He cares that we stay humble and trust onto Him.
He cares that we shine a light in a pathway that's dim.
He cares that we put work in our faith and strive.
And that our family is fed with what we work to survive.
He cares about the heart and our spirits within us.
He cares about our faith and that it's Him who we trust.
So with our faith we must help one another.
Because our love is like sister and brother.
With every direction and step of the way.
We must encourage each other day by day.
Rather than judging without any rights.
That's God's job.We're the salts and lights.
Like a city on a hill we can't just hide.
We have to show God's glory and be the guide.
We know that God has done so much for us.
It's time we serve Him because it is a must.
We live in a world that's corrupted and heartbroken.
It's time we fix things with the gospel that is spoken.
It's time we all wake up and serve God with full heart.
We gain nothing of this world.It would just tear our soul apart.
So let's deny ourselves and carry our cross.
Let's follow Jesus Christ and save a world that's lost.

Written By:Dara Jane Sy
Dedicated To:The Lord Jesus Christ

"I said to myself,'God will judge godly and sinful people alike.He has a time for every act.He has a time for everything that is done.'" ~ Ecclesiastes 3:17
"People will be judged on the day God appoints Jesus Christ to judge their secret thoughts.That's part of my good news." ~ Romans 2:16
"What good is it if someone gains the whole world but loses his soul?Or what can anyone trade for his soul?" ~ Matthew 16:26
"So we don't spend all our time looking at what we can see.Instead,we look at what we can't see.What can be seen lasts only a short time.But what can't be seen will last forever." ~ 2 Corinthians 4:18
"There is one body.But it has many parts.Even though it has many parts,they make up one body.It is the same with Christ." ~ 1 Corinthians 12:12
"Your are the salt of the earth.But suppose the salt loses its saltiness.How can it be made salty again?It is no longer good for anything.It will be thrown out.People walk over it.Your are the light of the world.A city on a hill can't be hidden.Also,people do not light a lamp and put it under a bowl.Instead,they put it on its stand.Then it gives light to everyone in the house." ~ Matthew 5:13-15
"Everyone should provide for his relatives.Most of all,everyone should take care of his own family.If he doesn't,he has left the faith.He is worse than an unbeliever." ~ 1 Timothy 5:8
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart.Don't rely on your own understanding.In all your ways remember Him.Then He will make your paths smooth and straight." ~ Proverbs 3:5-6
"Jesus called the crowd to Him along with His disciples.He said,'If anyone wants to come after me,he must deny himself.He must pick up his cross and follow me.If he wants to save his life,he will lose it.But if he loses his life for me and for the good news,he will save it.'" Mark 8:34-35

Thursday, September 24, 2009

On My Side 24/7

Wow...high school is...I really don't know.I don't know how to explain it in words.There are points where it is okay.There are points where it is not okay.But I manage to keep pulling through.I've been going through many emotional phases these past three weeks.I felt that I had to cling to God even tighter than usual.And in every moment of the day,I would just pray silently in my head to Him.And of course I'd feel a lot better afterward.Every time I feel like I'm just losing my strength I would keep telling myself in my head it will be okay!God gives me strength!If I give up now I'll end up nowhere!I'll be fine!Everyday from 5:30 AM to who knows when(I sleep at random times at night depending on my homework O.o),I'm always up striving and constantly fighting while lack of sleep.I would have to take the public buses and switch on them vice versa,which could be a real pain,especially when I have my heavy backpack and several books in my arms.The loads of work is pressuring me also.The past few tests have made me tense but I'm so glad I passed them all.And I know for one thing,is that I couldn't have juggled all this without God's help.He's helped me through it all that it makes me want to cry.I know I have a long way to go,considering this is just the start of freshman year.But I'm just glad to know that God is on my side 24/7!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

God Makes Me Strong

What could make a person so small?Is it fear?Is it chaos?Is it change?What?There will always be something in a person's life that brings them these feelings.There will be things that we can't hide from but forcibly face.I know that in a matter of days I have to face the one thing that I fear...high school.As I've said before,it scares me.I know that counting my numbered days until high school makes me feel so weak and small.There's this song called,"How He Loves" by David Crowder Band.There's a couple of lines that fit my situation.It goes ♫He is jealous for me.Loves like a hurricane.I am a tree,bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy.♫I feel that way right now.I'm feel so helpless and vulnerable.But I know with God,everything is possible.After all I've been through,I shouldn't give into fear now.I know there are times in my life where I measure myself really small.But I have God who's big and incredible!Sometimes it may not be fear,chaos,or change alone that makes me "small", but my underestimation in myself and God!Wow!Do I feel foolish or what?!In Philippians 4:13 it says,"I can do everything by the power of Christ.He gives me strength."In Matthew 17:20-21 Jesus said,"Because your faith is much too small.What I'm about to tell you is true.If you have faith as small as a mustard seed,it is enough.You can say to this mountain,'Move from here to there.'And it will move.Nothing will be impossible for you."I should just have faith the size of a mustard seed.Its possiblities grow endlessly!I should just keep believing and trusting in God.I know that God will protect me wherever I go.I am not alone.God the Almighty Creator of the universe will help me throughout my battles in high school.Sure I have many changes and adjustments to put up with,but my God hasn't changed,and He never will.He's stuck with me through the chaos in middle school and He'll do the same in high school.I thank God for all the support and guidance.He's the only reason why I get up every morning to strive through each day.He's the only reason why I smile.He's the only reason I've finally reach my contentment in life.Nothing can be more better than that.I know high school will be scary.And I know there will be many other fears I have to face in life.But at least I don't have to face these things alone.I may be weak but God makes me strong.