Friday, December 2, 2011

Indirect Evangelism

I'm always the kid in school, managing to ramble on a conversation about God. It doesn't matter who it's with. I'd always end up talking about Him, even in the school grounds. It's obvious, that whoever's around me will hear the things I say. Lately, I touched the topic about the end of the world. Just in the last week, a friend came to me and asked me if I could explain it a little more, which I happily did. We were sitting in the cafeteria table. I was too ecstatic, that I completely neglected to eat my pizza.

As our conversation went on, she told me, "Oh, I should get a bible," with a smile on her face. "Yeah, you should!" I excitedly exclaimed. I questioned out of curiosity, "Do your parents go to church?" She replied, "No, they're Buddhist." I was shocked in the inside, because I assumed that she was already Christian, just curious with questions. In that very moment, I thanked the Lord inside my head and thought, "Lord, please continue to work in her." She laughed and told me, "My grandma is Buddhist. I wonder what my grandma would think if I changed my religion. She might get mad." I smiled and then said, "You know, a lot of people tend to just follow the traditions and religions that their families have already chosen. What I can say is that what matters is what you believe in. Jesus Christ said that He is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through him, in John 14:6." Then I quoted the well known John 3:16 verse and explained that to be born again and to see the kingdom [John 3:3], you just have to put faith in the Son. I talked about the whole purpose in becoming a new creation in Christ and letting go of the old, carnal, sinful nature. 

I promised her that once I had the money, I'd buy her a Bible myself. As soon as our lunch period was over, we walked down the hall together. Before walking into her class, she thanked me and I said, "You're welcome." I walked off, in a joyous daze, because I witnessed another miracle before my eyes. God does the most amazing things in the most unexpected times, and He'll use anybody; regular people like you and me. Little did I know that she was raised as a Buddhist. It was practically indirect evangelism. I thought it was a very beautiful moment.

Just earlier this week, she asked me further questions about the end times. I pulled out my Bible and we read from Revelations 20. I accidentally distracted myself when many other people spoke to me in the lunch table. She pulled my Bible and began reading herself. I saw that she was truly inspired. I just kept thanking God in my head, knowing that He is surely molding her. I offered her to borrow my bible (since I still can't buy one) and she accepted to take it. 

Witnessing another life touched by Jesus Christ, is always the most beautiful and exciting thing. God is good. God is so good!

2 Peter 3:8-9 "But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."

I surrendered

I stayed home today. I was too overwhelmed, plus that fever really hindered me. Hopefully, missing school today won't kill me for next week. As far as I know...I got 4 essays to do by the end of this weekend, plus another essay by next Friday. I cannot wait until winter "break." But even then, it's not really much of a break if the teachers will pour an avalanche of homework on me. This is my junior year [yet I know college will be worst]. *sigh* Well, this is the beautiful life. The ironic part is, I'm not saying that with sarcasm. No matter what you face, you still have got to find the beauty in life. And the beauty is the fact that God woke you up to another day and that He is always in control. It's in the hands of God that I find my eternal, endless hope. Thank you Jesus Christ. ♥