Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Hi, Hello, Salutations!

This blog used to be "Stories of My Life" but now, I thought, "Ew, the title is so bland and cliche. So I changed it. I'm sorry I haven't been posting as much as I used to. I'm not that same thirteen year old middle school girl, with all the time to post, post, and post. High school made me so busy. I will be a junior in the fall. For the past two years, high school was kind of a transitional experience for me. But I know, that through my days, I'm thankful that I keep growing even closer and closer to my God. I make sure I hold on tight to Him, because I'm in a world which isn't my permanent home. I remembered right before the start of freshman year, I prayed to God to guide me and give me wisdom. I prayed that He'd help me to choose the right crowd and that I'd adjust just fine with the new classes, new teachers, and practically a new environment. I drew far away from some friends, but I also made new ones and became close with them. I faced some things that might have hurt me, but at least they gave me unforgettable lessons in the end. It's hard to believe that I'm two years away from college. My future is still unclear. Nonetheless, I live day by day, walking by faith and not by sight. I must say, I really am loving Bayside High School. :) I'm sure God put me here for a reason. Anyway, if you're looking for a blog, which I update often, it's on tumblr. Ahaha I hope you don't look at me as a traitor of blogger.com. XD Okay, that's it for now. Bye bye! God bless!

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