Thursday, October 9, 2008

To Hear God's Voice

After a year of living in Lodi,NJ my parents and I moved to Parsons,NY.It was really a big change for me.I went into a whole new different environment.From a clean friendly environment into a place where dogs eat dogs.It was like every man for himself.Well,in my case it was every girl for herself.Parsons was a cruel place.A lot more cruel than Totowa,NJ.I was in fifth grade at the time when this happened.It was like a pattern in my life.I moved into a school called P.S. 86.There were kids in that school who cursed all the time.I got a little intimidated by that.I thought kids who were in fifth grade were too young to curse.But they didn't seem to care.P.S. 86 was a bad school.All the students there fooled around.I only had two friends at that school but they were always into a conversation that they would leave me out of it.I felt really left out.There were so many bullies at that school.These two obnoxiuos girls would tease me.There was this really mean girl named Dulce.She treated me horribly.I missed all my friends from Lodi,NJ.I was so depressed.Then one morning at breakfast,I started crying through the tears of pain that I was going through.Suddenly I heard my favorite song.It was called "Back In His Arms Again By Mark Schultz".I wasn't imagining it.No one was playing it.It just came to me.Through my pain God comforted me by singing that song.It's too hard explain but it was so beautiful.It wasn't Mark's voice either.But its just like how the Bible would explain it"It's like the voice of a thousand angels,the sound of a blowing trumpet,the sound of rushing waters".It was miraculous.You may assume I was just hearing things but I wasn't imagining it.I know deep down in my heart that God sang to me. A few months later my parents and I moved to a place called Jamaica where new obstacles and trials awaited me,just lurking as I travel this path.

In God's Hands :D

I remembered how miserable I was in fourth grade.You must be wondering why I was so sad in fourth grade.Well,let me tell you the story.My parents and I just moved from Pelham,NY to Rochelle Park,NJ to Totowa,NJ.It was affecting my education.I also had great friends in Pelham and Rochelle Park.But when I moved into Totowa,I had no friends at all.When I tried to be friendly to people,they would ignore me.When I asked a question to them like "Where's the cafeteria?" because I was a new student, they wouldn't even respond me.I was a total outcast.No one even tried talking to me except the teacher.I was so depressed.Then I thought why would the kids do this to me?Then I realized something.Totowa was a white neighborhood.There are hardly any minorities.I guess that's why they were discriminating me because of my skin color or something.One girl in art class called my drawing "stupid".The thought made me cry.I couldn't say anything back for some reason.At the point I would just break into tears,I started to turn to God.Sure...I was a born again Christian since I was a toddler.I would always sing to Jesus,but I was an immature Christian who didn't take God that seriously.I would always play with my toys,watch tv and stuff...but never pray.But during that time of depression I had to turn to God.My parents would try to comfort me but it wasn't enough.Then day by day I was happier.(singing christian songs,reading the bible,and praying)Then,one day a girl asked me to sit with her at lunch.I was so happy and thought wow I finally have a friend!But at lunch one of the snobs(who treated me badly) sat with her.It was awkward and I felt uncomfortable.Then she whispered loudly that I could hear "Ugh,Ugh,do you like Dara?"I got so hurt by those words.Then the other girl whispered so quietly I couldn't hear what she was saying back.Then afterward they both said sarcastically"Oh,you know there's this girl in this school who doesn't have any friends.Yeah,I feel so bad for her".Likely story!!!Whatever.So later that night I cried so hard and forgot to pray to God before sleeping that night.I had a dream.I was running around the backyard of where my mom works.I was minding my own business when suddenly the sky turned dark.I walked over with curiosity.Then lightning struck down close to me.I was so scared!I assumed it was the power of God.Then,the sky suddenly turned pink.White puffy clouds came.Then these giant hands came down to earth.They were white as snow and had the features of a ghost.But I wasn't scared at all.I knew exactly who it was.It was my God,my father,my rock,my savior,and my everything.I smiled and cried tears of joy.And I knew I was in good hands.=]Ever since then,I was never intimidated by those kids in school.Months later,my parents and I moved to a place called Lodi,NJ.It was an awesome place!I had a lot of friends there who respected me for who I was.So,to those who just read this story and who don't believe in Jesus,it's okay if you think I'm crazy,but I'm not.And to those who just read this story and are Christians,I hope you believe in me that this story is true.Because God can do anything,even in dreams.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

8th Grade So Stressful!

*Sigh* 8th Grade can be exhausting and stressful.I have lots and lots of homework to do.There are more tests and quizes than there usually were in 7th grade.I run so many laps in gym.And not to mention...I just recently moved from Great Neck to Port Washington and then from Port Washington back to Great neck because of situations in life.But luckily because of my dad I didn't transfer schools and I'm happy about that.No matter what happens in life there is always a bright side I guess.At least I can figure out one thing for sure,through whatever is going on in life Jesus will always be at my side even through thick and thin....