Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Long Time No Talk. How Have You Been?

Hey everyone, how have you all been? 

It kind of astonishes my mind that my last blog post here was over a year ago. Busyness might be one reason, but another might be the writer's block (or a lack of reason to write altogether). So much has changed between the moment I started this blog and between the many gaps of not posting. Whenever I log in to this website, I still see my friend blogging and that inspires me. 

So just to fill in the gaps of my life, I've been attending Queens College for the past 3 years now. 3 years just flew by and I will be a senior this fall. I ended up majoring in economics. I've been told since high school that if I picked x, y, or z careers, it will be challenging to find jobs. I've grown to become less weary about those fears. I trust that God can take me anywhere. I've picked up and learned many soft and hard skills in my last two internships. This is the first summer where my plans revolve I am now in real estate and God only knows where this journey will take me next. 

Besides work experience, college also offered me room to grow in student life. In the past year, I committed to helping out the Christian club on my campus (Cru). It wasn't all daisies in a pretty meadow. However, when I stumbled or felt discouraged from time to time, God always revealed Himself faithful. I grew in different ways each semester. In the fall, I experienced the joy of fellowship, friendship, and family in the body of Christ. In the spring, I experienced solitude, refining growth through the flames, and the fulfillment of a vision I prayed for the year before. I had prayed for all the Christian clubs on my campus to collaborate and be united and a year later, it really happened! 

So maybe I can't recap the most concise, elaborate summary of everything that went on in my life since Jan 2015. I lost my both my best friend and my grandmother. I encountered joy and laughter, anger and sorrow, and friendships and loneliness. I could say that 2015 was the hardest year of my life, yet not know what is ahead of me. 

If life only had the good and none of the pain, how can we appreciate the good times? The past year was a tug of war between depression and mourning and attempting to keep a normal front to everyone around me. There's a reason that seasons exist, in order to signal changing times of the year and the type of weather we'll have. 

"Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door." Matthew 24:33

If I had to describe my life in exactly one word, I'd choose: bittersweetWhile the seasons change for me, here is one verse I will reassure myself with. 

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:18