Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Pair of Shoes

Last night I had a dream that still overwhelms me right now.This is my dream.I was in this big mansion that I've never seen before.It was covered in darkness as if it were night but only a few rooms had some light.I was playing with my friends and I took off my old blue shoes.We were playing for a while and then suddenly my mom told me that it was almost time to go.So I looked for my shoes.For some reason I couldn't find them.Also my socks mysteriously disappeared as well.Then I started to panic because it was nowhere to be found.I prayed hard to God that I could find my shoes soon before we leave or else my dad would get annoyed.I started running barefoot everywhere in the mansion just to find my shoes.I walked outside on the sidewalk to look for my shoes.Then I went back inside to check every room and every closet.I ran passed every obstacle,twist,and turn.It began to feel like a maze.My mind was spinning.Then out of nowhere a familiar yet strange man walked towards me and asked,"What are you looking for Dara?""I'm looking for my shoes.I prayed really hard to God that I can find them soon,"I replied.He started snickering and managed to say,"Ha!You prayed to God!?There is no such thing as God!"I started to glare at him.I scolded,"How dare you say that!There is a God.I could say more if I want just to persuade you,but right now I have no time.I have to find my shoes before it's too late."I started running again.I thought to myself that this all seems...unreal.I thought am I dreaming?Then I forced myself to open up my eyes.
And there it was...reality.I woke up back to my familiar room and saw the sun shining through my window.I looked up ahead to my shoe rack and there laid my old ragged blue shoes.The one that I was looking for in my dream.Then so many questions started to pop up in my mind.What was up with that dream?Was God trying to send a message?And why did that mysterious man say such a horrible thing?I shook my head off and went back to sleep for a few minutes.Then mom knocked on my door for some breakfast.I told my parents about my dream.Then my mom gave me this book called,"Understanding the Dreams you Dream" by Ira Milligan.It had dream interpretations based on scripture.So of course everything in it is true.So I started looking up words that had to do with my dream...

Verse~Wear on your feet what will prepare you to tell the good news of peace. Ephesians 6:15
Dark Blue(my sneakers are blue):God's word,blessing,healing,good will
Verse~The blueness of the wound cleanse away evil. Proverbs 20:30a
Sidewalk/Path:Life,private walk with God,gospel,salvation
Verse~The Lord tells the people of Judah,"Stand where the roads cross and look around.Ask where the old paths are.Ask for the good paths and walk on it.Then your hearts will find rest in me"...
Jeremiah 6:16
Barefoot:Without preparation
Verse~Make level paths for your feet to walk on.Then those who have trouble walking won't be disabled.Instead,they will be healed.Try your best to live in peace with everyone.Without holiness no one will see the Lord.Be sure that no one misses God's grace.See to it that a bitter plant doesn't grow up.If it does,it will cause trouble.It will pollute many people. Hebrews 12:13-15
Running:Striving,working out one's salvation,faith
Verse~In a race all runners run.But only one gets the prize.You know that don't you?So run in a way that will get you the prize.
1 Corinthians 9:24

From all the words I've been searching up,I began to grasp more and more ideas.I believe that God is trying to say something from all this.It's not just a coincidence.It's not just some silly, weird, random dream.It's something real based on my life.Last night I cried to God asking Him for wisdom, guidance, and help.I'm just a stray lamb and I need Him to lead me like a shepherd.I thought about all the friends I care for and love.I knew that a majority of them are unsaved.Although some of them may be surrounded in an environment of God's word in the church or at home,they don't seem to be close to Jesus Christ.Even my so called "christian" friends are being part of the world.I told God that I'll do whatever it takes to make some sort of difference in this world.I want to use my abilities for the glory of God.And I believe that after I prayed God responded to me through this dream.The shoes I was looking for represented the covenant and preparation I thirst for and the gospel I'm aching the share.The shoes' color had dark blue representing God's word, blessing, healing, and good will.When I was walking barefoot on the sidewalk it represented my life, my private walk with God, and my faith.Being barefoot was a different story.It represented my uncertainty and lack of preparation.That's why I was looking for my shoes.But the fact that I was running just to find my shoes showed my determination in pursuing God's calling for me even after that mysterious man tried to discourage me.I believe that that man who said those discouraging things came from the dark side.He represented the obstacles that will try to pull me down as I strive for God's plan.But I won't let anything take me away from what God wants me to do.I'll do whatever it takes to reach these goals.It's amazing that God would give a wake up call through a dream of a pair of shoes.